Pegadaian Has Selled 8.3 Million Tons Of Gold In Semester I 2024

PT Pegadaian said it had sold 8.3 million tons of gold in the first semester of 2024 with 3.1 million savers.

Senior Vice President Pegadaian Ferry Hariawan said the sales were carried out through various channels or channels including Pegadaian outlets, electronic commerce (e-commerce) and banking.

"Currently, we have sold 8.3 tons (gold) with around 3.1 million savings depositors from various channels," said Ferry after the Media Gathering #GetWealthSoon event in Jakarta, quoted from Antara, Tuesday, August 6.

According to him, the number of sales increased compared to the same period the previous year which was around 7.4 tons to 7.5 tons.

"Previously (in the first semester of 2023) we ranged from 7.4 million tons to 7.5 tons, now 8.3 tons, that's the first semester of 2024," he said.

On the same occasion, Pegadaian Product Manager Ivan Rusanto said that among the three Pegadaian channels, the highest volume of gold sale/buy transactions through e-commerce. However, the transaction value is still dominated through Pegadaian outlet channels.

"So the most transaction channels are currently still in Pegadaian outlets, then in e-commerce it is transactionally (valued), but in terms of quantity, the rupiah of these banking channels is extraordinary. the progress, "explained Ivan.

Meanwhile, through the banking channel, he said the number of recorded transactions was not yet large, but continued to show progress. As of the first semester of 2024, 230 kilograms (Kg) of gold were sold through four banking channels.

"In banking alone, it's not even big, because we just started with banking, maybe around yesterday it arrived at 230 kilograms (semester I). From the four banking channels," he said.

Meanwhile, Ferry projects that the gold price movement can reach IDR 1.5 million per gram by 2024.

"Disclaimer yes, we are the sellers, so if I read one analysis from Bareksa, so there are predictions from various investment analysts, it is summarized. It is predicted that the price will be that much (Rp 1.5 million per gram). Yes this year," he said.

According to him, there are several sentiments that affect the spike in gold prices going forward.

First, in line with the move by the US Central Bank or the Fed which is predicted to start cutting the benchmark interest rate in the third quarter of 2024, he assesses investors turning to gold as a safe haven.

Then the second sentiment, investors still choose to invest gold in the midst of geopolitical tension that has not subsided.

In addition, continued Ferry, the election of regional heads (Pilkada) in Indonesia and general elections (Pemilu) which are currently taking place in various other countries is also a driving factor for the movement of gold prices.

"The Fed has lowered interest rates in three stages, with the decline in interest rates, people have switched to safe haven, gold. In addition to geopolitical tension, it is now also uncertain. Geopolitics is not only Pilkada, not only in Indonesia, including (Pemilu) in several countries in the world," he explained.