Kemenpora Announces Indonesia's IPP Value Increases To 56.33 Percent

JAKARTA - The Ministry of Youth and Sports (Kemenpora) announced that the value of the Indonesian youth development index (IPP) has increased to 56.33 percent this year.

The increase was announced by the Ministry of Youth and Sports when holding a coordination meeting (rakor) entitled 'Jumpa Collaboration and Synergy for Young Empowered' in Kulon Progo, Yogyakarta, which will take place on August 5-7, 2024.

"The IPP score is a portrait of the position of Indonesian youth and this coordination meeting to mobilize all components, measurable, and jointly carry out program scenarios that have been mutually agreed on to achieve a high IPP score," said Deputy for Youth Development, Raden Isnanta.

The activity, which is fronted by the Deputy for Youth Affairs of the Ministry of Youth and Sports, is actually a form of implementation of Presidential Decree 43/2022 concerning Cross-Sector Strategic Coordination which includes 28 ministries/agencies (K/L).

This activity also involved the related derivative offices in 38 provinces and parts of Indonesian districts/cities. In addition, there is also the presence of a national youth organization (OKP).

"In this meeting, we want to synchronize youth programs as well as to boost the Youth Development Index (IPP) towards Indonesia Gold 2045," said Isnanta.

The IPP score is measured from five domains including education, health and welfare, field and job opportunities, participation and leadership, as well as gender domains and discrimination.

Isnanta explained that involving that many participants aims to equalize what programs in the future can be leveraged to continue to increase the IPP score.

"The program is linear for the five domains, which we will coordinate in the Youth Development Coordination Meeting this time so that the IPP score will continue to increase," he said.

Some of the leading programs of the Ministry of Youth and Sports that will be offered to these cross-sectors include Wiramuda, Collabs Rangers, Creativesia, Achievement Festivals, and Discussions of Friendly Clubs.

Isnanta said that besides that there are still many programs that are presented and offered by the Ministry of Youth and Sports to boost the five domains above.

"It is possible to adopt superior programs from provinces and regencies/cities for the development of these five domains. That will be synchronized at this coordination meeting with a massive target," he said.

The coordination meeting with hundreds of people from several K/L, provinces and regencies/cities, and OKP in Yogyakarta, will maximize the program for young people who are increasingly empowered going forward under the auspices of Menpora Dito Ariotedjo as the Chief Executive appointed by Presidential Decree 43/2022.

Isnanta explained that currently, there are 64 million young people in the age range of 16 to 30 years in Indonesia. Therefore, there needs to be massive activities so that it can have an impact on IPP.

"IPP is one of the important instruments to provide an overview of the progress of youth development in Indonesia. We need a sharp increase from this IPP to produce young people who have high competitiveness towards Indonesia's gold 2045," he said.

In the latest announcement, Indonesia's IPP scores in a row were at 55.33 for 2022, 55.83 percent for 2023, and then increased this year.

Government efforts to improve IPP are indeed being carried out with steps to expand cross-sectoral collaboration in organizing youth services.

In addition, there are also steps from the Government to increase youth participation in organizational, entrepreneurial activities among young people, as well as increase youth participation in the social and political fields.

Not only that, the involvement of young people in character development, mastery of broad insights with the use of digital technology, is also continuously maximized.

Isnanta ensures that hard work and joint commitment are needed in formulating the right policy strategy so that it can encourage the achievement of targets.

He continued the synergy of all stakeholders such as the Government, private sector, the world of education, media, society, and OKP must continue to improve their coordination and communication patterns.

"Each role must be maximized according to their respective potentials, I am sure that the increase in the IPP in the future will be even more devastating," he said.