Kunto Aji Kasih Bocoran For The Concept Of A Toxic Travel Tour

JAKARTA - Kunto Aji will start a tour titled Traveling To Offer Toxics to bring material from the album 'Privater of Mind Purification'. The tour will start in mid-August with a visit to Malang, Yogyakarta, Semarang, Bandung, Jakarta and Kuala Lumpur.

Kunto Aji took this tour with a different concept from many previous appearances. The 37-year-old singer leaked that the concept presented was like a story to grow up together.

Actually, the prototype appeared when I played in Krapela (South Jakarta). It seems good to just band, there aren't many theatrical actions, there aren't many games like the Mantra era. Yes, just play the band, sing-along and all kinds of things, simpler the point is," said Kunto Aji in his statement, Monday, August 5.

The concept of warm and intense performances will be carried around to six selected cities in accordance with geographic order that extends from east to west.

"This is still the first round. The considerations must be done on the island of Java first. But, I really want this experience to go around Indonesia. It hasn't been until now, but it has to start, right? " said Kunto.

Earlier, we also really wanted to tour cities such as Banyuwangi or Cirebon. But we both know that the economy is going down. So, logistically, it is rather difficult, so it begins in these cities. There is one behind Kuala Lumpur, because there is demand and all of them are added at the end," he continued.

This tour will be dominated by repertoire from the Retired Mind Delivery Officer, but listeners' favorite material from the album Generation Y and Mantra will also be carried. The plan, every night will play about twenty songs.

Not only music performances, this tour also disseminates important ideas contained in the album, namely the concept to grow as a human being.

"I really want listeners to see this album played live, because there are still not many who can watch it play in full. It is important to be able to introduce it live, so that you can sing-along together," he said.

In each city, Kunto Aji invites various local communities to hold joint activities, where different'menu' will be present in every city.

'The locality is part of the identity of the search for meaning, that's why the closest search is how we can benefit in a close environment. Maybe we find our roots there. Finally it localizes itself," said Kunto.

If you find it, I want to chat. We can talk about anything. I want to feel a lot of thoughts, why can you listen to my music, want to be connected with you. Don't forget to come to activities outside the concert. Because it was the activity that made me interested in carrying out this tour," he concluded.

Meanwhile, tickets for the Travel Tour to offer Kunto Aji Toxics can be obtained in the Goers application at a starting price of IDR 175.000.

The following is the complete schedule for the Poison Offering Travel Tour: August 14 - Malang16 August - Yogyakarta August 18 - Semarang20 August - Bandung22 August - Jakarta 29 August - Kuala Lumpur