Acting Governor Orders West Java Provincial Government Partners To Ignore Percentage Requests

JABAR - Acting Governor of West Java (Jabar) Beyvi Machmudin asked partners or third parties involved in cooperation in the procurement of goods and services project with local governments ignoring requests for compensation or percentage sharing to employers.

This was conveyed by Bey through Circular Number: 6141 / KPG.03.04 / INSPT, dated July 4, 2024 in order to pay attention to regents / mayors in West Java, heads of regional / biro apparatus within the West Java Provincial Government and directors of BUMD West Java Province.

"In order to report to the authorities or Saber Pungli West Java to anyone acting on behalf of the Acting Governor of West Java for personal gain," Bey said in a statement in Bandung, Monday, August 5, which was confiscated by Antara.

In the SE, it was stated that in connection with reports from several parties regarding requests for part of profits or rebates in the form of percentages in the implementation of procurement of goods/services or cooperation carried out by local governments or Regional Owned Enterprises (BUMD) with third parties.

Therefore, at the same time as the letter, it was stated that whoever is on behalf of the Acting Governor of West Java, both on behalf of his position and personal, family, and relatives, it was confirmed that the request was not true, and therefore requested to report the matter to the authorities.

Bey also emphasized that the procurement of goods and services within the West Java Provincial Government was carried out openly and transparently in accordance with the applicable laws and regulations.

"We always encourage the implementation of the procurement of goods/services and cooperation carried out by local governments and BUMD through a mechanism in accordance with the provisions of the legislation so that it meets economic, efficient, transparent, accountable aspects, obeys applicable regulations, and avoids unhealthy business competition," he said.