Getting To Know Post-Abortion Syndrome, Heavy Pressure After Women Denies Pregnancy

JAKARTA The practice of abortion or ending pregnancy is not only risky to physical health, but there are mental health effects that haunt, regardless of what is behind this decision. Feelings of sadness, guilt, and depression can be experienced by those who have abortions.

The public has again discussed the practice of stopping pregnancy after the government legalized the practice of conditional abortion as stated in Government Regulation (PP) Number 28 of 2024 concerning Implementation Regulations of Law Number 17 of 2023 concerning Health signed by President Joko Widodo.

The requirements in the PP are indications of a medical emergency and for victims of rape or other sexual violence that can lead to pregnancy.

Ending pregnancy by means of abortion can be a stressful event for some people. That is why, women who have abortions can experience psychological and emotional responses.

LaunchingHealthline, until now there have been many debates about whether there is a relationship between abortion and emotional symptoms. Some experts argue that abortion is a traumatic experience that can result in post-abortion syndrome (PAS) or post-abortion syndrome, referring to severe stress that has a long-term impact on mental health.

The psychological impact of abortion does not always occur after someone does it. Because in some women, there may be a feeling of relief having made the right choice for them or the conditions at that time.

In addition, feelings after abortion can also be related to the value of the person concerned. A person who tends to tolerate or has carefully considered abortion, the effect will be different from the person who holds the valuation against abortion.

Rachel Gabrielle, a licensed mental health counselor and a Seattle-style women's mental health specialist, said stopping pregnancy for any reason could interfere with the female hormone cycle, leading to most likely negative feelings.

It is possible that someone feels very affected and relieved at the same time.

"The whole spectrum of feelings, from relief to traumatic stress, is normal," Gabrielle said.

Meanwhile, clinical and forensic psychologist Kasandra Putranto said that the experience of giving birth, both spontaneously, miscarriage, with cesarean actions, has extraordinary physical, mental and social impacts.

This impact is even greater when there is an experience of forced childbirth through abortion, because it can cause feelings of guilt, stress, anxiety, and deep sadness in individuals, because it involves various inner conflicts experienced.

Although some women can feel relieved after having an abortion, others can feel a deep emotional burden.

"Legal relations, social norms, religions, and family values that prohibit abortion are factors that further add to the pressure and conflict within women who have abortions," Kasandra told VOI.

"Various situations and conditions that accompany abortion can lead to psychological trauma, depression, and other emotional problems, in addition to physical, psychological, and social impacts," he added.

That is why moral support and guidance are very important for them in dealing with this situation, because bad thoughts and depression can lead to unwanted things such as suicide.

The decision to stop pregnancy for medical reasons almost certainly has an impact on women's psychology, especially those who have abortions because of rape victims.

The National Commission on Violence Against Women or Komnas Perempuan noted that 103 victims of rape resulted in pregnancy reporting their cases directly to Komnas Perempuan from 2018 to 2023.

According to Kasandra, the psychological impact of post-abortion experienced by rape victims is more severe than abortion due to medical indications. This happened because rape victims had been deeply traumatized even before the abortion decision.

The addition of the decision to have an abortion will only exacerbate these feelings, adding to the emotional and psychological burden that must be borne.

The rape victim may feel guilty or pressured by social stigma. The abortion process can be an experience that exacerbates these feelings, making them feel more depressed or isolated," Kasandra said.

The recovery process after rape and abortion takes time. If rape victims have to face a decision to have an abortion, emotional recovery can become more complex and require greater support.

Support from family and closest friends is very important in overcoming the psychological impacts because their emotional recovery can become more complex.

The post-abortion recovery process for rape victims will be affected if they face difficulties in getting adequate support.

Facing trauma after abortion is a big challenge for many women who have abortions. However, women can minimize the trauma by taking several steps.

Sharing feelings with those closest to you, Kasandra Putranto said, can help reduce emotional burdens. In addition, women also need to recognize and understand the emotional reactions that arise after an abortion.

"Every woman will go through a different stage in restoring emotions, and accept reality more quickly, the sooner the recovery process will be," he said.

Expert assistance, be it psychologist or psychiatrist, is very important, especially to overcome trauma due to violence that is the background for abortion. But no less important, women must also maintain food intake and continue to carry out meaningful and fun activities.

Giving time to mourn is part of the recovery process. Avoid suppressing feelings of grief, but let yourself feel and overcome them slowly," concluded Kasandra.