The Council Of The World Church Urges Israel's Aggression In Palestine To Be Stopped

JAKARTA - The Council of World Churches (WCC) has urged that Israeli aggression in Gaza be stopped. The WCC also asked for the presence of the right of the Palestinian people to determine their own destiny.

WCC Secretary General Jerry Pillay on Friday emphasized that WCC often calls for an end to its occupation; for justice, peace, equality of human rights and dignity for all.

His party also called for the recognition of the right of the Palestinian people to determine their own destiny.

"The WCC has suggested these measures as the only viable path to fair and sustainable peace in the region," Pillay said in a press statement, confiscated by Antara, Sunday, July 4.

This attitude was emphasized by the 11th WCC General Session in 2022 which was held in Karlsruhe, Germany.

"Meskipun demikian, semua Negara yang berkomitmen pada supremasi hukum dalam menyelesaikan konflik dan mendorong perdamaian dan hak asasi manusia dan semua orang yang berindikat baik, harus memanfaatkan kesempatan dari Opini Hukum yang diberikan pengadilan hukum tertinggi PBB untuk memresilkan upaya resolusi keadilan dan sumber konflik yang sudah berlangsung lama ini," tandasnya.