Indonesian Migrant Workers Shot Killed In Malaysian Palm Oil Plantation, Indonesian Consulate General Kuching Intervenes

JAKARTA - The Consulate General of the Republic of Indonesia (KJRI) Kuching continues to monitor the handling of the case of an Indonesian Migrant Worker from East Lombok, West Nusa Tenggara (NTB), named Gafur who died was shot in the palm oil plantation Simpang Ngu, Niah, Miri, Sarawak, Malaysia.

Consul General of the Republic of Indonesia Kuching R Sigit Witjaksono in his short message when quoted by ANTARA from Kuala Lumpur, Friday, August 2 said the body was only autopsied by local police on Thursday.

He also said that the National Police's technical staff and the protection team at the Consulate General of the Republic of Indonesia (KJRI) Kuching were still monitoring further the handling of the case.

Regional Police Chief (KPD) Miri Alexson Naga Chabu in a media statement confirmed that he had received a report from a foreigner on Monday, July 29 at around 20.00 local time ( 19.00 WIB) regarding the discovery of a male corpse in a private oil palm plantation area, Sepupok, Niah, Miri, Sarawak.

Initial investigations from local police found that the body was believed to be a foreigner. However, it is not stated where the country came from.

Currently, the local police are still looking for suspects, witnesses and statements in the incident, as well as evidence to assist the investigation process. The investigation letter has been opened and the investigation is carried out based on Article 302 of the Forced Canon (KUHP).

The report of the Borneo Envoy, based on information from KPD Miri, said the foreigner died with gunshot wounds to the limbs in the private oil palm plantation area. The 40-year-old victim died with gunshot wounds to his forehead, eyes, neck and stomach.