Build Transparency, Kaltara Police Collaborate With BPK To Anticipate Corruption

North Kalimantan (Kaltara) Deputy Chief of Police Brigadier General Golkar Pangarso Rahardjo Winarsadi said the collaboration between BPK and the Kaltara Police was the key to creating development that was transparent and free from corruption.

This was said by Golkar Pangarso Rahardjo Winarsadi at the handover ceremony for the Head of the BPK Representative Office for Kaltara Province, Thursday, August 1 at the Auditorium of the BPK Representative Office for North Kalimantan Province, Jalan Mulawarman, Tarakan City.

The event was attended by a number of important officials, including the Governor of Kaltara, Chairman of the Kaltara Provincial DPRD, Kasiren Korem 092/Maharajalla, Commander of Lantamal XIII Tarakan, Commander of Anang Busra Air Base Tarakan, Commander of Satbrimob Polda Kaltara, Commander of Kodim 0907, Tarakan Police Chief, Member VI BPK RI, Regent and Acting Mayor throughout North Kalimantan Province, Chairman of the Regency/City DPRD throughout North Kalimantan, Representative of Bank Indonesia, and Chancellor of the University of Borneo Tarakan.

Cooperation between BPK and the Kaltara Police is very important to oversee regional development and create a climate free from corruption.

Deputy Chief of Police of North Kalimantan, Brigadier General Golkar Pangarso Rahardjo Winarsadi, emphasized that joint supervision of development projects ensures the use of transparent and accountable funds.

"With this joint supervision, development funds can be used according to the plan without irregularities," said Brigadier General Pol. Golkar Pangarso Rahardjo in his statement, Friday, July 2.

BPK and Polda Kaltara conduct regular and investigative audits, while the Kaltara Police handle law enforcement aspects if corruption indications are found.

"This collaboration ensures that audit findings can be followed up quickly and precisely by law enforcement officials," he added.

BPK shared the results of the audit with the Kaltara Police to facilitate the investigation and prosecution process. The Kaltara Police provided information regarding the results of the investigation and legal action to BPK for reporting and improvement of the surveillance system.

The formation of an integrated team consisting of a BPK auditor and investigators from the Kaltara Police was also carried out to handle major and complex cases involving development funds.

BPK provides training to Kaltara Police personnel on audit techniques, fraudulent detection, and financial analysis. On the other hand, the Kaltara Police provided training to BPK auditors on relevant law enforcement aspects.

"With this training, we hope to increase the capacity of both parties in supervising and taking action against corruption," said Golkar Pangarso.