China Denies Allegations Of Cyberattacks On German Government Institutions

JAKARTA - The Chinese government has denied allegations related to cyber attacks on a government agency in Germany in 2021.

"We are against any attempt to politicize and turn cybersecurity issues into weapons. The Chinese Embassy in Germany has voiced strong opposition and protested against the German side," Chinese Foreign Ministry spokesman Lin Jian said as quoted by ANTARA, Thursday, August 1.

Germany's Foreign Ministry on Wednesday announced summoned China's Ambassador to Germany in Berlin over a cyberattack in 2021 for espionage purposes against the Federal Agency for Kartography and Geodesi (BKG) in Frankfurt by "China state actors".

The agency is tasked with analyzing satellite imagery in detail and providing topographic data and a geodesic reference system for the German government.

A number of countries such as the United States, Britain, Australia, Canada, the Netherlands, New Zealand, and India have recently accused China of carrying out cyber attacks on government data and private companies on these countries.

"Over the past few months, a number of politicians and Western media have spread unverified and even intentionally fabricated disinformation to spread fear of the so-called 'Chinese cyber threat'. Their motive is clearly not about cybersecurity," added Lin Jian.

China, said Lin Jian, firmly opposes such political manipulation which has been clearly regulated before and played to attack China.

"Ensuring cybersecurity is a global challenge. China is the main victim of cyber attacks. We are against and have fought various types of cyberattacks according to the law," said Lin Jian.

Lin Jian said China and Germany have open lines of communication about cybersecurity.

The two countries need to work together to overcome threats and challenges through dialogue and cooperation, rather than using megaphone diplomacy, vilifying and attacking each other, as well as disinformation about so-called Chinese hacking operations.

"We call on Germany to take a constructive and responsible stance, abandon the confrontation of the Cold War block and mentality and cooperate with countries through dialogue and cooperation to keep cyberspace peaceful and safe," said Lin Jian.

Germany's Interior Ministry said the government could link responsibility for the cyberattack to "China's state actor" based on information from its intelligence agency.

China has repeatedly denied all such accusations against it and said it has also been a victim of cyber attacks.