7 Lifestyles That Cause Faster Menua Skin

YOGYAKARTA Living an unhealthy lifestyle and mindset, has a huge impact on the body's parts. Not only organ health is disturbed. But the following habits and behavior cause the skin to age faster.

Every now and then eating sweet foods as long as the portion is limited, that's okay. But eating sweet foods too often and carbohydrates that are unlimited can cause problems. When blood sugar is high, it causes the glycating process to damage elastin and collagen on the skin, causing wrinkles, launching All Women's Talk, Thursday, August 1.

The term runners' face doesn't seem baseless ridicule. But in reality, excessive jogging causes skin aging. Runners' faces are described as sagging skin that occurs due to excessive running. This is due to collagen damage. So experts recommend running in a short time so as to get health benefits and not interfere with skin appearance.

In addition to jogging, exposed to direct sunlight without protection from either sunscreen or hat, causes wrinkles, aging spots, and other damage to the skin. Smoking can also cause the skin to age faster.

Riasan should be applied to highlight certain features but don't get the wrong color or make a mistake in the sequence of wearing them. Because, the makeup that aims to improve appearance, can cause appearances to be inconsistent with age. Incomparing makeup doesn't actually make your skin age faster. But it will soon appear that looks old from age.

A number of stress can be considered healthy because it encourages level of vigilance and increases work motivation. But uncontrolled and unmanaged stress can affect many aspects of life.

Stress can increase the risk of chronic illness, cause depression or anxiety and shrink gray matter in the brain. Cortisol stress hormone lowers collagen that regenerates skin cells. Because negative effects do not manage stress properly are very bad, then spend time relaxing, breathing, and clearing the mind.

If the sleep schedule is uncertain, it might affect the skin significantly. Someone who doesn't get enough sleep at night, causes pale skin and black circles.

Avoid eating fatty foods is healthy. But fat is needed by the body as a macronutrient. In addition to helping the body's mechanism, good fat also helps reduce inflammation in rosacea and eczema and reduce the risk of acne and skin problems. However, choose non-saturated fats that are double and not saturated with single foods that contain trans fat and saturated fat.

In certain seasons, when the temperature is dry and the air is cold, the skin needs extra moisture to stay elastic and fresh. So don't ignore the skin moisture that causes the skin to age faster. You can apply cream or moisturizing gel according to your skin's needs. Plus, living a healthy lifestyle is also important to do in a sustainable manner