7 Beautiful Portraits Of Raline Shah Set In The Nature Of Sumba

YOGYAKARTA Raline Shah's appearance often steals the hearts of netizens. The last time it was uploaded by actresses and models born 39 years ago, is a portrait when doing restorative activities in Sumba. The beauty of the scenery is in line with the charmingness of the National University of Singapore graduate. Take a peek at the beautiful portrait below.

Based on the upload of portraits on social media, the place for pictures with hilly background is in Bukit Ndapayami, East Sumba Regency. You can see that the yellow color dominates. As we know, the area is dominated by sediment rocks, but it is the most beautiful place to enjoy the sunset.

limestone is a place for weeds to grow. During certain seasons, the grass is green. When Raline Shah visited the eastern region of Indonesia, the yellowness of the vegetation of the grass added to the beauty of the scenery.

Destinations are not only hills, behind the hill there is a river flow with a contrasting surface. Raline is seen behind the edge of the sediment. She wore an oversized shirt as an outer and protective eyewear from exposure to the sun. Raline wrote in a portrait introduction, Waimarang waterfall in East Sumba is a natural beauty that awaits us to meet, stop, and be grateful as part of Indonesia. A little piece of heaven....

Right on July 26 last month, is World Mangrove Day. At that time, Raline uploaded a portrait on Walkairi Beach in East Sumba. On this beach, mangrove plants are growing like bonsai. With a happy expression, Raline poses beautiful.

Still with the same pose, but in different destinations. Raline wears a Sumba ikat topweaving crop with a distinctive motif of a combination of bone white and blue.

There is no more beautiful place to run, other than nature, wrote Raline delivering portraits when in the middle of a beautiful natural landscape. He took a meditation pose, as a marker of his activities in eastern Indonesia, one of which was for restorative practices.

The practice of restorative activities according to psychology is useful so that a person feels happiness and participates in building a positive perspective. Raline Shah admits that being in nature feels so much joy and peace. He is also grateful for his special rights because he lives in Indonesia which has beautiful places and good people. He also hopes that many people are encouraged to protect the beauty of Indonesia as best they can.