Police Promise To Completely Investigate Case Of 2-Year-Old Boy Persecuted When Entrusted In Child Care Site

DEPOK The case of alleged abuse experienced by a 2-year-old boy at a child care house in Cimanggis, Depok, West Java, is under investigation by the Depok Metro Police.

The Head of Public Relations of the Polda Metro Jaya, Kombes Ade Ary Syam Indardi, said that his party received a report on Monday, July 29, last. He confirmed that his party would thoroughly investigate the case.

"It is being thoroughly investigated by the Depok Metro Police. The report was received by the Depok Metro Police on July 29. The alleged incident was around June 10, 2024, Monday at a child care center or daycare in Depok," Ade Ary told reporters at Polda Metro Jaya, Wednesday, July 31.

The former Tangerang Police Chief said that the Depok Metro Police was coordinating with related agencies to follow up on the case.

"The Depok Metro Police are collaborating with stakeholders of the Depok City Government with agencies to investigate this case," he said.

Previously, RD, a mother in Depok, West Java, admitted that her 2-year-old son was presumed to have been abused at the Depok area's child care center (daycare).

RD also admitted that he only found out that his son had become a victim on Wednesday, July 24, after receiving a report from a teacher at school.

"Actually, we got a report from a teacher at my child's school. We just found out last Wednesday on the 24th that there was violence experienced by my son. The perpetrator is the Chairman of the Foundation from Daycare," RD told reporters at KPAI, Central Jakarta, Tuesday, July 30.

To be sure, RD checked the CCTV footage at the daycare. As a result, he saw CCTV video footage, on June 10, his son became a victim of violence.

"After we checked, that there was evidence of CCTV. On June 10, 2024, my son received violence in the form of beatings in several parts of his body, then his stomach was kicked until he fell until he fell down, then he was also stabbed in the back," he said.

"The evidence matches the evidence I have, which is a picture of bruises on my son's body after he came home from daycare," he added.

Furthermore, RD tried to ask for confirmation from daycare for the incident that happened to his son. However, daycare denied it.

However, after we found out, parents knew that my child was bruised in his body, we confirmed that to Daycare and they denied it. They said they said that my child didn't fall, they didn't get accompanied by their friends, they didn't hit anything," he said.

RD admitted that he had thought positively that the bruises his son experienced were due to fever. However, after being examined, the doctor concluded that the bruises suffered by the victim were not due to fever, but collisions and pressure.

"The results are all good. So, the doctor concluded that the bruises were not from the fever. But because there was a collision or there was pressure that my child's body was bruised. But, because we parents felt that 'It seems impossible for the daycare to torture my child'. So, we are positive thinking," he said.

RD has reported the alleged abuse of his son to the Depok Metro Police. Registered report with the number LP/B/1530/VII/2024/SPKT/POLRES METRO DEPOK/POLDA METRO JAYA.