South Sorong Regional Head Election 2024, Alfius Way And Husein Totarago Offer Concrete Solutions

JAKARTA - The prospective pair for the Regent and Deputy Regent of South Sorong, Alfius Way and Husein Totarago, have compiled a program that suits the needs of the local community. They do not want to promise grandiose, but focus on real solutions to the problems faced by the community today.

According to Alfius Way, South Sorong has many regional potentials that can be optimized for development. "Macro, we have great potential in agriculture, fisheries, and mining. This potential must be utilized as much as possible for the welfare of the community," said Alfius during a visit to the VOI office, Tanah Abang, Central Jakarta, on July 30.

Facing the upcoming Pilkada, the couple introduced their vision and mission with CIVILIZED acronyms. "ADAB stands for just and civilized, reflecting our integrity based on the first precept of Pancasila: God Almighty," explained Alfius.

Alfius also emphasized the importance of managing South Sorong's natural wealth in accordance with applicable regulations. "We will manage natural resources without neglecting the rights of local communities and the environment. With this approach, we hope to attract investors who provide added value for the community. Regional Original Income (PAD) and transfer of profit sharing from the center for South Sorong can be managed professionally," he added.

In their campaign, Alfius and Husein plan to prioritize programs relevant to the needs of the people of South Sorong. "We have compiled many programs, but our focus is on several priority programs. Currently, many children who drop out of school and stunting are still a major problem. Therefore, we are making a program that is really needed by the community, in line with the vision of CIVILIZATION," explained Alfius.

One of the realizations of this program is the provision of basic facilities and infrastructure. "It is important to provide clean water facilities and improve the economic sector through labor-intensive activities. We will present programs that involve the community, so that the money in circulation will also be distributed in the community. This program is expected to provide added value for the community," concluded Alfius Way.