This Is The Contents Of A Number Of Regulations On The Prohibition Of Selling Retail Cigarettes

JAKARTA - President Joko Widodo (Jokowi) has signed Government Regulation (PP) Number 28 of 2024 concerning the Implementation Regulation of Law Number 17 of 2023 concerning Health. The regulation includes a ban on the sale of cigarettes in retail to a radius limit of education units. Article 434 paragraph (1) point c of the PP states, everyone is prohibited from selling tobacco products in retail by units per stick, except for tobacco products in the form of cigars and electronic cigarettes. However, in paragraph (2) it is stated, the provisions on packaging on paragraph (1) do not apply to packaging products of tobacco products other than machine white cigarettes. "Every person who produces and/or imports tobacco products in the form of iris tobacco is prohibited from packing more than 50 grams in each packaging," reads paragraph (3) the same article. Other provisions call the content of packaging cigarettes not to be less than 20 cigarettes. Currently, packaged cigarettes are diverse, ranging from 12 cigarettes, 16 sticks, and 20 sticks. As of Article 429 paragraph (1) states, production, circulation, and use of addictive substances are directed so as not to interfere with and endanger the health of individuals, families, communities, and the environment. The latest healthPP consisting of 13 chapters and 1,172 articles was signed in Jakarta on Friday (26/7/2024). The PP contains provisions concerning public access to quality health services, especially for underprivilegate communities to the protection of cigarette addictive or tobacco products. One of the main focuses of this PP is strengthening health service systems in Indonesia, including improving facilities and health workers in remote areas.

In addition to the retail ban on cigarette sales, here are several other important points in the PP: The prohibition of selling near educational units and children's playground Article 434 paragraph (1) letter e regulates, sales of tobacco products and electronic cigarettes should not be carried out within a radius of 200 meters of education units and children's playgrounds. The prohibition of selling through web, application, and social media Article 434 paragraph (1) letter f states that sales of tobacco products and e-cigarettes are not allowed to use website services, commercial electronic applications, and social media. Age verification in electronic sales Article 434 paragraph (2) states that prohibitions on paragraph (1) letter f can be excluded if there is valid age verification on websites or commercial electronic applications. Minister of Health (Menkes) Budi Gunadi Sadikin welcomed the ratification of this PP. He considered this very important as a reference in building a better Indonesian health system.