President Pezeshkian Affirms Iran's Commitment To Nuclear Deal And The Importance Of Regional Stability

JAKARTA - President Masoud Pezeshkian emphasized Iran's commitment to the nuclear deal, as well as the important meaning of regional stability in his inaugural speech after being sworn in on Tuesday.

After Parliament Speaker Mohammad Bagher Ghalibaf delivered his speech at the beginning of his inauguration, Pezeshkian (69) took an oath of office using the Qur'an.

"As president, in front of the Qur'an and the people of Iran, I swear to God Almighty to be the official guardian of religion and the system of the Islamic Republic and the state constitution," Pezeshkian said while taking the oath.

President Pezeshkian welcomed high-ranking officials and representatives from more than 80 countries who took part in his inauguration ceremony, before delivering his first speech.

"We will seek constructive and effective involvement with the world based on the principles of dignity, wisdom, and benefit," said President Pezeshkian.

In his speech, President Pezeshkian demonstrated his government's readiness to continue negotiations with the world's major countries to lift anti-Iran sanctions, reminding the West and the United States that Iran's nuclear program is peaceful because it has been verified by the International Atomic Energy Agency (IAEA).

He stressed that Tehran remains committed to the nuclear deal.

"Tekanan dan sanksi tidak berhasil (dalam menghadapi Iran)," katanya, menyampaikan kepada negara-negara Barat, meminta mereka untuk menunjukkan rasa hormat kepada Iran.

"Iran always stands on the right side of history. Iran is a safe, united and stable country," he stressed.

The new Iranian president then called for a decent (relaxation of tensions, ed) in the region, saying "states in the region should not waste their valuable resources on conflict and tiring war."

"Improving and strengthening relations with neighboring countries is the priority of his government's foreign policy," he said.

"My government wants a strong area, an area where all neighboring countries can take joint steps for economic development, progress and improvement in the lives of future generations," he said.