ABC Sakatonic Healthy Campaign, Solutions To Children's Food Lust

JAKARTA - PT Kalbe Farma Tbk (Kalbe) through its subsidiary Kalbe Consumer Health and the Sakatonic ABC brand pay attention to the problem of appetite, which is often experienced by children. Kalbe innovates multivitamin products to help children's appetite, and develop web-based applications to monitor the development conditions of children's nutrition that are made with IDI (Indonesian Doctors Association), as well as conduct child health education.

"As well as Kalbe's sustainability initiative with National Health, Sakatonic ABC conducts health education with the #MakanHapHapHapHealth Spirit campaign. In this case, through the introduction of the ABC and ABC Nutri Meters Method which is a web-based application to monitor the development of children's nutrition. This campaign is also in the context of celebrating National Children's Day 2024. Also as an effort to understand parents' concerns regarding the problem of appetite that has an impact on children's growth and development," said Head of Vitamin Category, Kalbe Consumer Health, Adelia Theresia, in Jakarta, Tuesday 30 July.

The ABC method is three things that parents need to pay attention to in supporting their children's appetite. First, adequate and nutritious food intake. Second, Provide vitamins that support children's growth and development. Then, routinely check the child's weight and hygiene. In line with the second point, Sakatonic ABC conducts a healthy campaign with the launch of Sakatonic ABC Curcuma Honey, a suction tablet that adds to the child's appetite and immune system. Sakatonic ABC Curcuma Madu is very practical, with a cute bee shape and a feeling that children like.

If the child's appetite is maintained, it will affect the child's growth and development to be optimal. This condition helps prevent stunting, washing, underground, and overweight children. Secretary General of the Executive Board of the Indonesian Doctors Association (PB IDI), dr. Ulul Albab, Sp.OG. revealed, about 20-50 percent of children who grew up normally and 70-89 percent of children with developmental disorders, reportedly experienced various types of eating problems, including problems with poor appetite.

If this happens over a long period of time, these problems can affect children's growth negatively to malnutrition or malnutrition, which causes children to have a death risk of almost 12 times higher than children who get adequate nutrition. This fact proves that child's nutritional health is very important for their optimal growth and development, "added dr. Ulul Albab, Sp.OG.

In addition, said dr. Ulul, based on data from the Indonesian Health Survey in 2023, it is known that one in 12 toddlers wasted, one in seven toddlers suffered from stunting, one in four toddlers experienced anemia, and one in 13 children experienced excess weight. Therefore, it is important to ensure a good appetite in early childhood to form a habit of eating, in order to realize optimal growth and development and avoid malnutrition.

One way to check the nutritional status and development of children is to use the WHO growth curve which is currently being developed further by IDI together with Kalbe Consumer Health in the form of the ABC Nutri Meter application which will launch in the 4th quarter of 2024.

This BBC Nutri Meter uses WHO growth curves and ECAST questionnaires as a reference for checking children's nutritional status and detecting eating disorders in children. Use is quite easy, only requires heavy identity, height, gender, child age and answers questionnaires about children's appetite and immune system. The measurement results and tips can be read easily and applied. In addition to checking nutritional status and growing development in children, ABC Nutri Meter can also be used by teenagers to find out the risk of anemia and its handling," said Senior Brand Manager Kalbe Consumer Health, Chitra Aiesta.

Sakatonic ABC itself is a multivitamin brand to support children's optimal growth and development since 1999. Sakatonic ABC Curcuma Madu with tumlawak, honey, and essential multivitamins. This content is useful in increasing appetite, endurance, maintaining health, and supporting growth and development. Sakatonic ABC Curcuma Madu comes in a suction tablet format, in contrast to similar products in general that are pluralistic, making it more practical and easy to consume.

This is evidenced by a study stating that 9 out of 10 mothers agree that Sakatonic ABC Curcuma Madu with a easy suction tablet format at the consumption of the Little One. Especially with the cute shape of the bee picture and the taste that children like, Sakatonic ABC Curcuma Madu can help parents reduce drama when feeding their children so that children still get adequate and balanced nutrition," said Chitra.

Mom Influencer, Raniah Alaydroes also shared her experience as a mother with two small children. She often faces dramas when feeding and increasing her children's appetite. On the other hand, Raniah still needs to ensure balanced nutrition, with a choice of nutritious food and multivitamin supplements to support their development optimally.

I feel, Sakatonic ABC Curcuma Madu is here as a practical solution in providing additional nutrition for my children. With a suction tablet format that is easy to consume and like for children, this product helps me maintain their nutrition in the midst of my daily busyness who is also working. I'm also looking forward to the presence of ABC Nutri Meters to monitor the development of children's nutrition regularly," Raniah said.