More Arif And Wise, Cak Imin Is Considered An NU Activist More Deserves To Be The Head Of PBNU Than Gus Yahya

JAKARTA - Nahdlatul Ulama (NU) activist M. Solikhin assessed that PKB Chairman Muhaimin Iskandar or Cak Imin is more worthy of being the General Chair of PBNU than Yahya Cholil Staquf (Gus Yahya). The reason is that Cak Imin is more Arif and wise in responding to problems than Gus Yahya.

This was conveyed by Solikhin in response to the relationship between PBNU and PKB, which recently heated up after the formation of the DPR's Hajj Special Committee.

Gus Yahya assessed that the Special Committee was formed to personally attack the Minister of Religion, Yaqut Cholil Qoumas who is also his younger brother.

In fact, according to him, personal sentiment lies in Gus Yahya's plan to form a team of five or a kind of special committee to return the PKB to the NU lap.

"I also just found out Gus Yahya's statement stating, 'Maybe the Special Committee for Hajj is a personal sentiment because the Ministry of Religion is my younger brother'. This is thinking reasoning that I think doesn't make sense, except for the Special Committee for the PKB faction, that's sentiment," said Solikhin in a discussion uploaded by the Padasuka TV channel on Tuesday, July 30.

"This is the special committee of the DPR, not the PKB special committee. All factions are involved, meaning that it is a constitutional right rather than the DPR which must supervise and evaluate its journey. Moreover, there are indications of corruption, now PBNU should support it," he continued.

Solikhin assessed that Gus Yahya should have been able to restrain himself so that the spiritual atmosphere between PBNU and PKB remained conducive. Not the other way around, sparking disharmony with statements that lead to inconsistency.

"He said Gus Yahya continued Gus Dur's ideology? If you continue Gus Dur's ideology, you should create a conduciveness and critical attitude of the NU organization to the government which needs to be straightened out," said Solikhin.

If the PBNU led by Gus Yahya does not improve its relationship with PKB, Solikhin assessed that the PBNU extraordinary deliberation (MLB) is not impossible that it will be held in the near future.

"Gus Yahya, the culture of tabayyun, friendship, and communication building is lacking. When looking at the situation below, when it is harmonized with an inconsistency statement, it is very possible that there will be a massive movement from below to carry out MLB. Moreover, KH Imam Jazuli as the initiator of the MLB from Cirebon has appeared in Jakarta with KH Marzuki Mustamar and also Gus Salam. It is a symbol that they will shed light on the movement from below when Gus Yahya does not immediately end to build harmonization with PKB," he explained.

"Because if I judge that movement will be massive when Gus Ketum (PBNU) and the Secretary General do not build a good relationship with anyone, including PKB," he added.

Therefore, Solikhin considered that Cak Imin was more worthy of being the chairman of PBNU than Gus Yahya. He also brought up the moment Cak This was insinuated by Gus Yahya when he ran as vice presidential candidate in the last presidential election. Solikhin said, Cak Imin just smiled and laughed in response to Gus Yahya's painful jokes.

"Gus Yahya stated that at the anniversary of KH Munawir, he stated that this is the first time gus Muhaimin has been present as a vice presidential candidate, although he doesn't necessarily win. That's actually a joke, a joke but it's very painful. But what is the response of the PKB chairman? Respond with a smile, laugh, it means mature, yes maybe it's flying hours," he said.

"In my opinion, Gus Muhaimin is more worthy of being the chairman of PBNU, because he is more Arific and wise. In fact, Gusdur's ideology of struggle is Gus Muhaimin," said Solikhin.