The Leadership Of Commission III Of The DPR Calls The Surabaya District Court Judge Biadab When Tofu The Results Of The Sera Early Autopsy

JAKARTA - The leadership of Commission III of the DPR said that the judges of the Surabaya District Court (PN) were rude and barbaric when they learned of the results of the Sera Afrianti Early Autopsies, victims of persecution and murder of Gregorius Ronald Tannur.

The results of the autopsy were disclosed by the Dini Family Lawyer, Dimas Yema Harabur Alfarauq when he complained about the decision of the Surabaya District Court judge who acquitted Ronal Tannur to Commission III of the DPR.

"Reveal the results of the autopsy that resulted in (Dini Sera, ed) dying, whether it was alcohol or not. You are here invited by Pak Habiburokhman to want to know what actually happened, we don't need to be chronological, we already know everything, just tell you, sir, this autopsy evidence that I will give to you," said Deputy Chairman of Commission III of the DPR, Ahmad Sahroni, during an audience at the DPR building, Monday, July 29.

"To make it more convincing that the defendant must be responsible and must be punished," continued the Deputy Chairman of Commission III of the DPR, Habiburokhman as the chair of the meeting.

Hearing the advice of the leadership of Commission III of the DPR, the legal team released the victim and then revealed the facts related to the results of the Early autopsy that there was an argument and persecution and beating using a bottle in an apartment.

"And it is in evidence of reconstruction and admitted to the suspect himself. At the time of the incident, beatings and beatings were carried out and then continued in the elevator, there had also been beatings using bottles. There were recordings, there were confessions from the defendant and there were also witnesses and there was evidence from the post mortem. also in the back of the head there was bleeding, "said Dimas.

After experiencing acts of violence, continued Dimas, Dini sent a voice note to one of her friends that she was being abused in the form of a beating.

"So it reads 'he kicked me and I don't know what I'm wrong'," said Dimas regarding an early voice message.

Dimas said, in the chronology and reconstruction there was a crossing on the shoulder to almost all of the victim's body until he suffered bleeding in the abdomen and chest. Dimas also displayed a photo of the victim with wounds on his body.

Dimas denied that the victim died of being drunk but there was a severe bleeding almost all over his body. He emphasized that there was no identification during the trial process and the panel of judges had also asked during the forensic transfer examination trial.

"Incidentally, at that time I was present, so when I was present I was asked if there was alcohol in the victim's body, there was, whether it caused death, forensic experts said it did not cause death," he said.

"What causes death is a great bleeding in the chest and heart," continued Dimas.

Knowing that, Sahroni then got emotional. "Stupid Judge," he exclaimed.

Dimas also revealed evidence of what caused blunt object violence on the victim's arm. "There are tire marks from the suspect's vehicle car, this is sir, this has a mark," he said.

"Astagfirullahaladzim, O Allah, this is very barbaric," said Habiburokhman.

Sahroni, who knew that there were witnesses who had been presented at the trial of the case, then became furious. "Obviously, it's really a judge," he said.

Regarding the family report, Commission III of the DPR confirmed that it would send a letter to the Judicial Commission (KY) to examine and follow up on the Surabaya District Court judge who acquitted Ronald Tannur.

"Okay, okay, the points, please secretariat. Now, we will convey this pointer directly to KY, so KY's examination with Bawas, will write a special letter to KY," said Habiburokhman.