5 Women Will Continue To Be Present To Support Indonesian Culture

JAKARTA - Group 5 Women are not only a collection of women who sing, but are here to support Indonesian culture through music.

Most recently, the group consisting of Rieka Roslan, Andien, Nina Tamam, Iga Mawarni, and Yuni Shara released a song called Kebaya Indonesia which was specially created to celebrate the first National Kebaya Day on July 24.

Rieka Roslan, who wrote the song Kebaya Indonesia, said that 5 Women have long shown concern for the cultural heritage of the archipelago. They often appear wearing wastra which is a traditional Indonesian cloth.

"Actually, 5 women have often worn Indonesian wastra clothes. 5 women are established for culture, so we often use this kebaya," said Rieka Roslan at the Bloc Post, Central Jakarta, Sunday, July 28.

"When we sang the Indonesian Kebaya after 16 years and 5 women stood up, all were just amazed (kagum), there were five women who always spoke about Indonesian wastra," he continued.

The former vocalist of The Groove hopes that what 5 Women have done can inspire young singers to be more confident in appearing in Indonesian clothing. In fact, he hopes that other young people will also wear wastra in their daily lives.

In line with Rieka, Iga Mawarni hopes that National Kebaya Day will be the right momentum to introduce a wider kebaya.

"I think it's time for all of us, especially women, to start paying attention and want to talk about kebaya. Because in other parts of the world now there is no limit, all information about culture and art is fast. Who is quick to declare, he will definitely get a place, "said Iga.

So, this is the moment, this is the time, let's talk about kebaya, let's introduce kebaya with pride. Let's young people not hesitate, don't be afraid, don't feel uncomfortable with kebaya, this is precisely the time for you to fight through the ways, styles and social media that you have. We introduce the kebaya with pride," he concluded.