Commission III Of The House Of Representatives Will Receive Complaints From The Sera Early Family To Come To The House Of Representatives Regarding Ronald Tannur's Free Verdict

JAKARTA - Commission III of the DPR will receive complaints from the Dini Family of Sera Afrianti regarding the judge's decision at the Surabaya District Court which acquitted Gregorius Ronald Tannur regarding the case of abuse that killed Dini.

"Yes, today we will hear complaints from the family of the late Dini who were victims of murder in a case in East Java, where the defendant is named Ronald Tannur," said Deputy Chairman of Commission III of the DPR Habiburokhman, Monday, July 29.

The head of the commission for the legal and human rights sector also felt odd with the decision of the Surabaya District Court judge. Because according to him, the evidence has been clearly emblazoned through video recordings and has even been circulating on social media.

"Actually, it doesn't make sense that the person concerned is acquitted. I happen to be a former advocate, I understand very well that in my opinion the judge should be able to apply this principle at least, the principle of intent with awareness of possibility, or evantualist delus," he explained.

"So if we, for example, have no intention of killing people, but we are aware that what we are doing is most likely to cause people to die, yes, it is included in an intentional gradation knowing the possibility," added Habiburokhman.

Habiburokhman also said that the panel of judges should be able to apply the principle of proof of individual circular evidence or indirect evidence.

"Because from a series of events, for example, they were put into baggage and so on, it means that in general, this leads to the defendant, why can he be released in a case like this. So we want to make sure at the cassation level," he said.

Habiburokhman ensured that Commission III of the DPR would invite the police and legal experts to give their opinion on this case.

"We will respond by maximizing our authority in the field of supervision to our partners in the field of law," he concluded.