COVID-19 Vaccination Is Not Yet A Mandatory Requirement For Competition, Ministry of Youth And Sport: It Is The Ministry Of Health's Authority

JAKARTA - Secretary of the Ministry of Youth and Sports (Sesmenpora) Gatot S. Dewa Broto said that COVID-19 vaccination is not yet a mandatory requirement for athletes to compete in a national sports competition.

In the webinar of the Committee for Handling COVID-19 and National Economic Recovery (KPCPEN) in Jakarta, Monday, Gatot said that his party cannot require vaccination as a condition because this authority is not under the control of the Ministry of Youth and Sports, but is entirely in the hands of the Ministry of Health (Kemenkes).

"So far, for legality (COVID-19 vaccination) we have followed one main estuary, namely the Ministry of Health. Whatever the Minister of Health's decision we follow and we don't want to make new regulations if vaccines must be a requirement for participating in a national competition," said Gatot.

Gatot said that regardless of whether athletes have been vaccinated or not, every sport is welcome to re-organize competitions as long as it can apply strict and disciplined health protocols.

However, previously the organizers had to meet the requirements in rolling out a national sports competition in the midst of the COVID-19 pandemic. The conditions are the same as those imposed on the Indonesian Basketball League (IBL), PP Perbasi, PT. Liga Indonesia Baru (LIB) and PSSI.

The sports parent and committee must submit their plans for organizing their competitions and implementing health protocols to the Ministry of Youth and Sports, the Indonesian Police, the COVID-19 Task Force, and the National Disaster Management Agency (BNPB).

Until now, there are only two national competitions that have received the green light to roll back, namely the 2021 IBL and the 2021 Menpora Cup.

The Ministry of Youth and Sports together with the Ministry of Health has also conducted COVID-19 vaccinations for all athletes and participants involved, including committees, officials, and other match equipment.

However, even though they have received the COVID-19 vaccination, the Ministry of Youth and Sports requires organizers and all participants to adhere to applicable health protocols.