South Tangerang Residents Value The Emergence Of Marshel Widianto Crossing Out Potential Candidates Against The 2024 Pilkada Blank Box

TANGERANG - Komika Marshel Widianto was promoted by the Gerindra Party as a candidate for Deputy Mayor (Walkot) of South Tangerang (Tangsel) to accompany Riza Patria in the 2024 Pilkada. The Riza-Marshel duet has so far pocketed support for 4 parties.
However, there are many pros and cons responses from the community because Marshel is considered new in South Tangerang.
One of the residents of Serpong, Naufal, said that he had no problem if Marhsel tried his luck to run in the 2024 Pilkada. According to him, everyone has the right to run, as long as they are Indonesian citizens.
"In my opinion, it's okay for Marshel to try to become Deputy Mayor of South Tangerang. Because everyone has their own rights, which basically wants to advance my city (Tangsel). Continue to be a dye in this year's Pilkada," Naufal told VOI, Sunday, July 28.
The points that Naufal took were then about Marshel coming from the younger generation. According to him, by advancing for the 2024 South Tangerang Regional Election, the young people will automatically pay attention to South Tangerang. He also hopes that South Tangerang will be better.
"The sign is, if Marshel wants to become Deputy Mayor of South Tangerang, it becomes that young people care about their own country, especially South Tangerang," he said.
Meanwhile, Listio, another South Tangerang resident, views Marshel's appearance as a color for the 2024 South Tangerang Regional Election.
Without mentioning the ideas and ideas built by the candidate, the public views that Marshel's investigation gives birth to other options for voters who enter the upcoming 2024 Pilkada TPS booth.
"Of course this is interesting, because the presence of the Riza and Marshel couple did not make the candidate pair Benjamin and Pilar against the empty box," he said.