98 Kg Of Illegal Pork Failed To Enter Southeast Sulawesi, Confiscated From Haluoleo Airport Cargo

SULTRA - The Center for Animal, Fish and Plant Quarantine or Southeast Sulawesi (Sultra) succeeded in thwarting the smuggling of illegal pork into its territory.
The head of the Animal Quarantine Working Team, Southeast Sulawesi Quarantine, Nichlah Rifqiah, said that the undocumented pork that was thwarted on Earth Anoa came from Surabaya with a total weight of 98 kilograms.
"The pig meat was found by quarantine officers while conducting surveillance at the Haluoleo Airport Cargo and suspected three boxes of sacked sacks," Nichlah said when met in Kendari, Sunday, July 28, which was confiscated by Antara.
He said, after examining the three boxes, it was found that the pork was not equipped with quarantine documents, so the detention was immediately carried out on Friday, July 26.
"We detained it after learning that the meat was not equipped with a sanitation certificate for animal quarantine products or KH-12 from the area of origin and did not report it and handed it over to quarantine officers at designated income and expenses," he said.
Meanwhile, the Head of the Southeast Sulawesi Quarantine Law Enforcement Working Team Abd. Rachman revealed that the pork was alleged to have violated Article 88 in conjunction with Article 35 paragraph (1) letters a and c of Law Number 21 of 2019 concerning Animal, Fish and Plant Quarantine.
"That the media carrying animal products in the form of meat that is passed is eradicated but not accompanied by quarantine documents and quarantine officers are not reported for quarantine action, then detention is carried out through the issuance of a Detention Order or KH8a," said Rachman In line with that, the Head of the Southeast Sulawesi Quarantine A. Azhar said that the Southeast Sulawesi Quarantine is committed to protecting the island of Sulawesi from the threat of the entry of fish and plant diseases which will indirectly harm the community.
"It is feared that the undocumented pig meat can carry the quarantine animal pest African Swine Fever or commonly called ASF and Mouth and Nail Disease or PMK, because the origin of the meat has endemic status and the Southeast Sulawesi region is free," said Azhar.