Pertamax Turbo Drag Fest 2024 Second Round Welcomed High Enthusiasm In Tasikmalaya

TASIKAMALAYA - The Indonesian Motor Association (IMI) Tasikmalaya stated that the Pertamax Turbo Drag 2024 straight car and motorcycle racing event received an enthusiastic response from automotive lovers in the local area.

The chairman of the IMI Tasikmalaya Branch Manager, Tatan Soniawan, said that the enthusiasm of automotive lovers was extraordinary, so the organizers had to limit the number of participants because the registrants reached 500 vehicles.

IMI, as a partner of PT Pertamina Patra Niaga, which organizes this drag racing event, appreciates the high enthusiasm of the community, both racers and automotive lovers. Tatan revealed that the number of vehicles that registered reached more than 350 units for the drag bike and 150 vehicles for the drag race. This shows that the community, especially young people who have racing talent, is looking forward to this event to channel their talents in official competitions.

"We are certainly very happy that this event will be present in Tasikmalaya because that is what activists and automotive lovers here hope for," said Tatan.

This drag racing event was attended by racers from several provinces such as West Java, DKI Jakarta, and Central Java, and lasted for two days, namely on July 27 for the drag bike and July 28 for the drag race. All racers use Pertamax Turbo as a leading fuel oil product from Pertamina which is suitable for motorsports and vehicles that require high quality and environmentally friendly fuels.

Tatan hopes that the high enthusiasm from the community can open up opportunities for holding the third round of racing to be held again in Tasikmalaya.

"This high enthusiasm can certainly be considered by the organizers and we hope to host again for the third round," he said.

Here are the racing classes presented in the Pertamax Turbo Drag Fest 2024 second round:

Drag Race Class

Drag Bike Class