9 List Of Healthier Vegetables If Cooked, Not Consumpted In Raw

YOGYAKARTA Consume fresh food, or fresh food, is considered healthier. The majority of fruits and vegetables in addition to being healthier are consumed when raw, have a rich taste and more nutrition when eaten without cooking first. However, a number of vegetables will be healthier if cooked first before eating. The following is a list of vegetables and food ingredients that you should cook instead of eating raw.

When the vegetables are cooked, the vegetable particles will be damaged so that the nutrients that should be fully absorbed by the digestion will be released during the processing process. But for asparagus, when the particles are damaged it will actually get more vitamins A, B9, C, and E.

Mushrooms contain large amounts of ergothine antioxidants released during cooking. Antioxidants help break free radicals. Launching The Heart Research Institute, Thursday, July 25, chemicals in mushrooms can damage cells if they are not cooked first. In addition to causing aging, it can also cause disease.

Bayam is rich in iron, magnesium, calcium, and zinc. However, this nutrient is easy to absorb when spinach is cooked first. This is because spinach contains oxalic acid that inhibits the absorption of iron and calcium. Then boiling spinach can release calcium that is bound and available for body absorption. In addition, research shows, steaming spinach can maintain folic levels that can reduce the risk of certain cancers.

Cooking tomatoes with any method can increase the lycopene antioxidants in it. Likopen is associated with the low risk of various chronic diseases. Including heart disease and cancer. When tomatoes are heated, thick cell walls break and help release more lycopens. Even so, cooking tomatoes can reduce 29 percent of vitamin C levels. Licopene content will increase 50 percent in 30 minutes after cooking.

Carrots cooked contain more beta-carrotens than mental carrots. Karotenoids, including beta-carotene substances, are converted into vitamin A. These vitamins dissolve in fat and support bone growth, vision, and immune system. But keep in mind, it's good to cook carrots with their skin because they will contain twice as much antioxidants. Better yet, boiled carrots are intact and then cut off after cooking. Avoid frying carrots as they are shown to reduce the number of carotenoids.

Heat can break down cell walls that make peppers release more carotenoids. Paprika is also a source of antioxidants, including beta-kerotene, beta-cryptoxanthin, and lutein. Like tomatoes, cooking peppers will reduce the amount of vitamin C when steamed or boiled so that it is better to roast.

Vegetables classified as brossica include broccoli, cauliflower, and brussel cabbage. These vegetables are rich in glukosinolates, phytochemicals containing sulfur. This substance can be changed to fight cancer. In order for these glukosinolates to be converted into cancer-fighting compounds, enzymes in vegetables called myrosinase must be active.

Research found, steaming these vegetables maintains vitamin C and myrosinase. Cutting broccoli and silencing it at least 40 minutes before cooking also allows this myrosinase to be active. Likewise with accretion that after cooking will cause glucosinolate in it to decay into a compound against cancer.

Green beans will have a high level of antioxidants when roasted, heated in the microwave, fried and even fried compared to boiled or cooked with high heat pressure.

The healthiest curvature is steamed because it can disable enzymes that prevent the body from using the thyroid-needed iodine. This process helps regulate your body's metabolism.

To cook a number of vegetables above, consider the temperature and cooking time. Because cooking vegetables at high temperatures and a long time can cause more nutrients to disappear. Avoid soaking them in water too. Use as little water as possible while cooking. Also consider cooking vegetables by roasting. Even if you cook it with water, use it to be a sauce like soup.