Former Police And ASN Members Named As Suspects Of Circulation Of Methamphetamine In Central Lombok

West Nusa Tenggara (NTB) Regional Police (Polda) revealed that a former member of the National Police with the initials SW and a state civil servant (ASN) with the initials Z were involved in a case of alleged distribution of methamphetamine in Central Lombok Regency.

Director of Drug Investigation (Dirresnarkoba) Polda NTB Kombes Pol. Deddy Supriadi said that both of them have now been suspects after an investigation was carried out since their arrest on July 12, 2024.

"So, from the results of the investigation, both of them were indicated as dealers so that the results of the title went to the investigation stage, both of them were named as suspects," said Deddy at a press conference in Mataram, Thursday, July 25, which was confiscated by Antara.

In a press conference on the disclosure of the results of the prosecution of narcotics cases for the period June 1 to July 24, 2024, he explained that the arrests of the two suspects took place in Z's yard in Praya, Central Lombok Regency.

The police confiscated evidence of methamphetamine in a package of 4 clear plastic packages weighing a total of 40.795 grams.

"There is also 1 ecstasy item that we suspect is for personal consumption. The urine test is both positive for narcotics, so both of them are users too," he said.

From the examination it was revealed that the methamphetamine in the form of white crystalline powder belonged to SW.

To investigators, suspect SW admitted that he got the item from someone in the Ampenan area with the initials S.

"We are still investigating the presence of this S and tracing it in the field. We have pocketed his identity," he said.

Deddy conveyed that SW, who is a former member of the National Police, had previously served at the Central Lombok Police.

"So, SW is a recidivist, at that time it was also a case of methamphetamine. He was fired because he was proven to be playing narcotics," he said.

He ensured that the case that ensnared SW was not related to other members of the National Police. He conveyed this based on the results of investigations and investigations.

"So far, we have not found that this SW is affiliated with our other members. Even if it exists, of course we have taken firm action legally and ethically by the Police," said Deddy.

For suspect Z, it is confirmed that Deddy is still an ASN in charge of the Central Lombok Cooperatives and SMEs Service.