Take A Peek At 8 Portraits Of Tissa Biani Celebrate Ultah With Mount Prau Trekking Accompanied By Dul Jaelani

YOGYAKARTA Trekking is generally done in long and difficult terrain so that it can only be taken on foot. This challenging long journey is usually done by mountaineers to the highest point from one mountain. This activity was carried out by Tissa Biani when she was 22 years old.

Accompanied by his girlfriend, Dul Jaelani, not only did he follow the difficult hiking route, this cast and singer celebrated his birthday. Tissa looks like she is using a trekking pole to help her walk on a steep route.

Arriving at Post 1 Mount Prau, this post is called Cemara Dungkar, Tissa Biani seems to express her passionate face even though she looks tired. Her hair is wrapped in a kupluk, it seems to be warmer.

In one of the steep routes to the top of the mountain, Dul appears to be holding Tissa's hand. Helping her through the steep road, Tissa's hand also holds a trekking pole to maintain balance.

Enjoying the scenery is a satisfying moment. Looking from behind, Tissa Biani was embraced by Dul looking far away. The portrait is motivated by hills, white clouds, and mountains highlighted by the sun.

Tissa Biani Azzahra was born on July 24, 2002 in Depok, West Java. The actress who won the 2014 Citra Cup in the Best Children's Actor category, celebrated her birthday with great struggle. The reason is, she and her lover had to climb a steep path to the top to commemorate her birth date and mark her one year of age added.

The food served is also a 'as good', Namely a burger because this food seems the easiest to prepare with simple equipment. Of course, tumpeng rice and birthday cakes are still presented to decorate the dish table.

Tissa Biani's birthday celebration even though she did not invite an invitation, but seemed to be trying to get full excitement. Because birthday hats, hanging decorations, and balloons enliven his birthday celebrations.

The portrait of Tissa Biani describes a simple but meaningful birthday celebration. He thanked his closest people. "Thank you also said to his mother, who gave permission to trekking. His remarks are also for my lovey Dul for being present and accompanying in the midst of your busyness... wrote Tissa Biani in the caption of the portrait upload on her happy day.