Bali Transportation Agency Proposes Tourism Helicopters To Be Also Regulated Not Just Kites

Head of the Bali Transportation Agency (Dishub), IGW Samsi Gunarta, proposed to the central government that low-flying tourist helicopters also be regulated, not just kite games.

This was conveyed in response to the incident of a helicopter crashing with a kite rope in Suluban Pecatu on Friday (19/7).

"This must be two sides of the kite arranged and the helicopter is regulated, what is clear is that we only propose later a decision regarding whatever happens with regulations, it has the authority in the central government," he said, Wednesday, July 24.

Samsi assessed that both parties must be regulated so that it is easy to monitor, because so far only the Bali Provincial Regulation Number 9 of 2000 concerning the Prohibition of Increasing Kites and Similar Games at Ngurah Rai Airport and its surroundings.

The regulation was formed in 2000, while dynamic developments made many changes, so according to him the regulation needed to be reviewed.

"At that time there was no (tourist helicopter rules) but at that time we still thought that helicopters needed crossings because they were regulated by regulations from the Ministry of Transportation, now we have to see what this situation looks like, the regulations on both sides must be synchronized," he said.

"Now it's been 2024 24 years, it might not have been taken into account but now there has been progress, in the past there were no drones now there, in the past the small kites were now big," he continued.

Seeing areas that do not have the authority to regulate air routes, the Bali Provincial Government led by the Bali Transportation Agency is working on establishing a kite task force.

Samsi sees the effectiveness of the task force at least helping in communication whenever there is a violation or potential problem.

"Therefore, a task force must be formed because the air authority is in the central government, this is so that we can jointly arrange it, so there is a kind of team acceleration that allows us (the Bali Provincial Government) to participate in the process," he said.

The kite task force will not be able to regulate the airway but at least it is hoped that it will reduce the potential for accidents and ensure that people can still play kites at certain heights.