Pretending To Buy Cigarettes, This Robber Suddenly Takes Out Machete And Grab Shop Owner's Cellphone In Makassar

MAKASSAR - Two robbers armed with machetes were arrested by police in Makassar, South Sulawesi. The perpetrator was arrested for robbing the cellphone of the grocery store owner in Mamajang.

The chief of Mamajang Police, Commissioner Adjutant Ivan Wahyudi, said the two perpetrators arrested were men with the initials Is (30) and Ad (17). The robbery occurred when one of the perpetrators pretended to buy cigarettes at the grocery store, Tupai Street, Mamajang on Tuesday, March 16 in the morning.

"Initially the perpetrator came with his friend and stopped at the victim's shop and pretended to buy cigarettes," said Mamajang Police Chief Commission Adjutant Ivan Wahyudi, to reporters, Monday, March 22.

The woman with the initials R, who runs the shop alone, serves the perpetrator who pretends to buy cigarettes. The perpetrator suddenly took out a machete hidden in a jacket. The perpetrator then jumped through the window.

"One of the perpetrators entered the shop and immediately took out a long machete in a used jacket, the perpetrator threatened and took a unit of the victim's cellphone, the perpetrator and his partner fled after carrying out the action," said Commissioner Ivan.

Police investigated this incident until the two perpetrators were finally arrested. Both are currently undergoing legal proceedings at the Mamajang Police, Makassar.