Khofifah Extends Micro-Scale Community Activity Restrictions In East Java Until April 5

SURABAYA - Governor of East Java Khofifah Indar Parawansa extends the micro-scale community activity restrictions (PPKM). Micro-scale PPKM extension starts March 23 to April 5

"Thank God, this third Micro-scale PPKM is consistent with the previous one, it is proven to have an impact on reducing the spread of COVID-19 cases in East Java", said Khofifah, in Surabaya, Monday, March 22.

The extension of the Micro-scale PPKM period itself has entered its fourth period since it was first established on February 9. The extension of the implementation of the Micro-scale PPKM is carried out based on the Instruction of the Minister of Home Affairs Number 6 of 2021 dated 19 March 2021, Regarding the Extension of the Implementation of Micro-scale PPKM and Optimizing COVID-19 Management Posts at the Village and Sub-District Levels to Control the Spread of COVID-19.

From the evaluation conducted, the Micro-scale PPKM was considered effective in reducing the spread of COVID-19 in East Java. Therefore, it is hoped that the extension of the Micro-scale PPKM can further reduce the spread of COVID-19 in East Java.

"We hope that the extension of the Micro-scale PPKM will further reduce the spread of COVID-19 in East Java", she said.

Based on data compiled by the East Java COVID-19 Handling Acceleration Task Force, towards the end of the third Micro-scale PPKM period, East Java daily confirmed cases reached around 300 cases per day. This figure has dropped dramatically when compared to the previous figure which reached 1.100 cases per day.

In addition, said Khofifah, significant results were also seen in the decrease in the number of COVID-19 patients who had to be treated in the Ordinary Isolation Room and the ICU. During the PPKM stages 1 and 2, and Micro-scale PPKM stages 1 and 2, the usual isolation BOR in East Java has decreased from 79 percent to 29 percent.

ICU BOR has also succeeded in decreasing from 72 percent to 49 percent. This means that the hospital filling in East Java is in accordance with the requirements of the WHO, which is below 60 percent.

"Thank God, currently there is no red zone in East Java, and 16 regencies/cities have entered the yellow zone. This means that the implementation of Micro-scale PPKM is on the right track", she said.

According to Khofifah, the success of the Micro-scale PPKM in East Java cannot be separated from the active participation of the community, through the support of the existing Tangguh Village. So that the implementation of the Micro-scale PPKM is felt to be very in accordance with the conditions that have taken place at the lowest level of society, namely the neighborhood level.

"I keep reminding the public not to be careless or to let their guard down. Together with various elements, people must remain vigilant and strictly implement health protocols anywhere, in the hope that their area can continue to improve and become a green zone", said Khofifah.