Towards National Children's Day 2024, YouTube Shares Initiatives To Prepare Safe Platforms For Children

JAKARTA - Welcoming National Children's Day on July 23, YouTube shared several initiatives aimed at protecting young people while enriching their creativity and also helping parents oversee their experiences.

Each child has the right to free and equivalent access to high-quality content according to their individual age, interests, and needs.

For this reason, YouTube is dedicated to consulting with independent experts or the Youth and Family Advisory Committee (Youth and Families Advisory Committee) to develop and improve products and policies to create experiences that suit the age of children.

In addition, YouTube will also build guidelines on high-quality content for children and to better meet the needs of teens, which are interesting and inspiring.

Access to high quality and age content also means that it allows experiences that are tailored to the needs of the development of different age groups. For example:

In Indonesia, YouTube's commitment is further strengthened through various educational efforts and community empowerment. Since 2018, the Ministry of Women's Empowerment and Child Protection (KemenPPPA) has collaborated with Google and Indonesia's ECPAT in the Tem@n Anak program.

This program aims to increase the capacity of Community-Based Child Protection Activists (PATBM) and Civil Society Organizations in protecting children in the digital world.

In addition to the Tem@n Anak program, other YouTube partnerships in Indonesia have long existed with various other partners, such as Indonesia Child Online Protection (ID-COP), where we have launched the #TangkasBerinternet initiative since 2019.

This program includes a fun and free online game called Interland, which teaches children the basics of online security and digital citizenship relevant to the Indonesian context.