Indonesia Appreciates The Legal Fatwa Of The International Court Expressing Israel's Settlement In Illegal Palestine

JAKARTA - Indonesia positively welcomes the law fatwa of the International Court (ICJ) regarding Israel's actions in the Palestinian occupation region.

"The legal fatwa has fulfilled the aspirations of Indonesia and the international community to realize justice for Palestine," said the Indonesian Ministry of Foreign Affairs in a statement on platform X reported by ANTARA, Saturday, July 20.

Indonesia assesses that the Court has fulfilled its role in enforcing an international order based route by establishing an illegal status of Israel's existence in the occupied Palestinian territories.

Therefore, Indonesia supports the Court's view so that all countries and the United Nations do not recognize the situation caused by Israel's illegal existence.

In line with the Supreme Court's fatwa, Indonesia urges Israel to immediately end its illegal existence in the Palestinian occupied territories, the Ministry of Foreign Affairs said.

Indonesia also urged Israel to end the construction of illegal settlements and evacuate all Jewish settlers as soon as possible.

Indonesia further encourages the General Assembly and the UN Security Council to comply with the Court's request to take appropriate steps to end Israel's illegal existence in Palestine.

"Indonesia invites the international community and the United Nations to jointly follow up on the legal fatwa, and give recognition of the existence of the Palestinian State," said the Ministry of Foreign Affairs.

The ICJ in a trial held in The Hague, Friday (19/7), ruled that Israeli settlement activities in Palestinian territories violated international law.

ICJ presiding judge Nawaf Salam said the UN court had jurisdiction to issue an opinion of advice regarding the consequences of Israeli occupation laws in Palestinian territories.

Israel's settlement policies are not in accordance with their obligations under international law, Salam said during the trial.

He said Israeli settlement activities that violated international law continued to expand.

Israel's occupation of the Palestinian territories is an annexation of de facto that violates the rights of the Palestinian people to determine their own destiny, he added.

The ICJ, based in The Hague, held a hearing on the consequences of Israel's occupation of Palestinian territory, including East Jerusalem, on February 19-26.

During the trial, more than 50 countries and three international organizations, namely the Arab League, the Organization of Islamic Cooperation (OIC), and the African Union, discussed the issue.