Puan Regrets The Dismissal Of Honorary Teachers In DKI, Encourages Government To Give Fair Solutions

JAKARTA - The chairman of the Indonesian House of Representatives, Puan Maharani, regretted the incident of the unilateral dismissal of hundreds of honorary teachers in DKI Jakarta through a 'cleansing' system. He encouraged the government to hold hearings to find the best solution to this.

"I deeply regret the termination of the cooperation between hundreds of DKI honorary teachers. We hope that there will be intensive coordination from the Government to provide fair explanations and solutions to this problem," said Puan, Thursday, July 18.

Puan assessed that honorary teachers are educators who have the same privileges as civil servant teachers as heroes without a sign of service so it is necessary to pay attention to their welfare.

"And honorary teachers exist because of the lack of manpower for our educators, so their role is also great," said Bung Karno's grandson.

Based on information from the DKI Disdik, the cleansing' of at least 107 honorary teachers was carried out as a Follow-up to the Examination Results (TLHP) of the BPK. This is because the school appoints honorary teachers without a recommendation from the Education Office.

The honorary teachers are paid from School Operational Assistance (BOS) funds. Disdik DKI also said that BPK's findings found that the map of the need for honorary teachers was not in accordance with Permendikbud and the provisions as recipients of honorariums.

In this regard, Puan asked the Government, schools, and honorary teachers to sit down together to find the best way.

"There must be clarification on this problem. Including the reason the school decided to appoint the honorary teachers, why? Is it because it is indeed overloaded, so it requires additional teaching staff," explained Puan.

According to the first woman who served as Chair of the Indonesian House of Representatives, the central government could become a facilitator for justice for all. Because, said Puan, this concerns the fate of more than 100 honorary teachers who have contributed to children's education.

"I hope that soon there will be a common ground that is just and the discussion can be carried out democratically so that all parties can understand their respective positions and roles," he said.

"Don't let this sudden termination of cooperation, the school finally lacks teaching staff which ultimately has an impact on our children," continued Puan.

He added that the dismissal of honorary teachers with the term cleansing' was also not in accordance with the spirit being carried out by the state regarding the improvement of the fate of honorary teachers. Moreover, Puan reminded, the Government is committed to completing the arrangement of non-ASN personnel.

"This means that the fate of honorary staff, including honorary teachers, should improve. It's not just a setback," said the former Coordinating Minister for Human Development and Culture.

"And the DPR through our functions and authorities also continues to make efforts to improve the fate of honorary teachers. Both support from legislation, budgeting, and supervision of government policies," added Puan.

Furthermore, the legislator from the Central Java V electoral district reminded that currently, Indonesia still really needs quality educators and adapts to the progress of the times. With the case of the dismissal of DKI honorary teachers, Puan hopes that the teaching and learning process in schools at the beginning of this new school year will not be hampered.

"Make sure the issue of termination of cooperation with honorary teachers does not have a negative impact on the quality of education services. Government policies must continue to pay attention to the needs of students," he said.

"Of course this incident can be a note for other regions so that the provision of educators is harmonized between needs and existing mechanisms so that there is no need for a teacher's cleansing in the future," he concluded.