Former Menpora Andi Mallarangeng Sentenced To Four Years In Prison Due To Corruption In History Today, 18 July 2014

JAKARTA Memories of today, 10 years ago, July 18, 2014, the former Minister of Youth and Sports (Menpora), Andi Mallarangeng was sentenced to four years in prison and a fine of Rp. 200 million, subsidiary to 2 months in prison. Andi was found guilty convincingly of corruption in the Hambalang project.

Previously, the Hambalang project was discussed to improve the achievements of national athletes. The project took a lot of money. Instead of the project running smoothly, the project became a field of corruption for many state officials.

The desire to advance the world of national sports is the dream of the Indonesian government. This dream is trying to be realized by the Directorate General of Sports under the Ministry of Education and Culture in 2003.

They want to build a training education center, and a large-scale sports facility in Bukit Hambalang, Bogor, West Java. Land acquisition is also a problem. All because of a total of 32 hectares of land not all of them can be acquired.

The government then changed from Megawati Soekarnoputri to Susilo Bambang Yudhoyono (SBY). The project is privileged. In fact, it has increased to the responsibility of the Ministry of Youth and Sports. Menpora Andi maalarangeng then expanded the project coverage in 2009. Additional buildings and facilities were carried out.

The name of the project has changed to the National Sports School Education and Training Center (P3SON). People know him by the name of the Hambalang project. The project budget swelled, from IDR 125 billion to IDR 2.5 trillion.

It is hoped that Hambalang can become the most complete sports training center. The project began in 2010. However, the hope is only hope. The circulation of large money does not in fact bring benefits.

The corruption thickness is actually wide open. Many project irregularities. In fact, Menpora, Andi also became a suspect in the corruption of the Hambalang project and wore the clothes of the Corruption Eradication Commission's orange prisoners (KPK) in 2013.

Andi's arrest was then followed by his colleagues in other Democratic parties such as Anas Urbaningrum. This condition tarnished the face of President SBY. Because they are part of the ruling party.

Eggles are not only found in the Ministry of Youth and Sports. Technical recommendations for building construction are also not initialized by the Minister of Public Works, Djoko Kirmanto. Technical recommendations are only signed by director-level officials at the Ministry of Public Works.

The oddity was only discovered by the Ministry after the multi-year contract of the Hambalang project was approved. If one of these requirements is not fulfilled, the multi-year contract should be rejected. However, Agus Martowardojo (Minister of Finance) has never received a report regarding a number of shortcomings in the application for a multi-year contract budget," explained Hermien Y. Kleiden in Agus Martowardojo's book: Carrier of Change (2019).

The Jakarta Corruption Court also tried former Menpora Andi. Andi was charged with corruption by enriching himself by Rp. 2 billion and US$ 550 thousand in the Hambalang project case. Andi also got the money through his younger brother, Andi Zulkarnain Anwar alias Choel Mallarangeng.

It doesn't stop there. Andi also enriched other people and corporations in the same case. These names include Wafid Muharam, Deddy Koesdinar, Nanang Suhatmana, Anas Urbaningrum, Mahyudin, Teuku Bagus, Machfud Suroso, Olly Dondokambey, Joyo Winoto, Lisa Lukitawati, Anggaraheni Dewi Kusumastuti, and Adirusman Dault.

The prosecutor initially demanded Andi with 10 years in prison and a fine of Rp. 300 million, a subsidiary of six months. All of this was added by Andi's role, which was considered the culprit for the state's loss of Rp. 464.391 billion. However, the Corruption Court took a stand on July 18, 2014. Andi was proven convincingly to have committed a criminal act of corruption. He was sentenced to four years in prison and a fine of Rp. 200 million, a subsidiary of 2 months in prison.

"The trial of the defendant was proven legally and convincingly corruption together as the second alternative indictment," said Chief Justice Haswandi when reading the verdict at the Corruption Court, quoted by the page, July 18, 2014.