MUI Deactivates 2 NU Cadres Who Meet President Isrel

The Indonesian Ulema Council (MUI) has disabled two names regarding the meeting of five Nahdlatul Ulama (NU) cadres with Israeli President Isaac Herzog in Israel.

"I have deactivated those who are suspected of having links to MUI," said MUI chairman for Fatwa Prof Muhammad Asrorun Ni'am Sholeh in Padang, reported by ANTARA, Wednesday, July 17.

This was conveyed by Asrorun Ni'am on the sidelines of the 10th National Conference of the Zakat Forum which was held in Padang City, West Sumatra.

However, in detail Asrorun Ni'am did not explain or convey the identities of the two names because they are currently still in the search stage by the Central MUI.

The chairman of the Indonesian Child Protection Commission (KPAI) for the 2014 '2017 period emphasized that the move to deactivate two names allegedly related to the organization was for clarification after a meeting between NU cadres and the President of Israel.

He emphasized that the two names did not go to Israel at all to meet President Isaac Herzog. However, both of them are members of an organization that is affiliated with Jews.

"Last year he made a visit to the Israeli Ambassador in Singapore," said Asrorun.

According to him, MUI could impose much greater sanctions on the two names if they were proven to have made a fatal mistake.

Therefore, the step of deactivation is aimed at investigating further related to meetings that are considered to have injured the Indonesian people.

"Later we will close it again and he has been deactivated. MUI is firm for that," he said.

Regarding the meeting of five NU cadres with the President of Israel, MUI strongly condemns the move because it is considered not to consider the situation at all.

"The MUI condemns him because he is insensitive," he said.

According to him, those who attended met with Israeli President Isaac Herzog had clarified and received sanctions.