BRI Deposits The Largest BUMN Dividend Of Up To IDR 23.2 Trillion In 2023

JAKARTA - PT Bank Rakyat Indonesia (Persero) Tbk (BBRI) or BRI is the largest contributor to the dividend deposit of State-Owned Enterprises (BUMN) to the state in 2023. BRI's dividend deposit is IDR 23.2 trillion.

BRI President Director Sunarso said, by gaining profits or economic value, state-owned companies could have the capital to create social value so that the economy would rotate.

"BRI has proven that so far it can carry out the role of simultaneous economic value and social value," Sunarso said, quoting Antara.

In addition to BRI, other top dividend contributors for the 2023 period include Pertamina with dividends of IDR 14 trillion, followed by Bank Mandiri IDR 12.8 trillion, and Telkom and MIND ID, which contributed IDR 8.6 trillion and IDR 7.5 trillion, respectively.

Based on data from the Ministry of SOEs, the contribution of the state-owned company to the state in the form of dividends reached IDR 81 trillion in 2023, an increase of 102.5 percent on an annual basis (year-on-year/yoy) compared to the 2022 deposit of IDR 40 trillion.

As a whole, the total contribution of SOEs to the state including taxes and other PNBPs reached IDR 636 trillion in 2023. This achievement also grew from IDR 591 trillion for the 2022 period.

Deputy Minister of SOEs Kartika Wirjoatmodjo said that SOEs in groups contributed to state revenues in the 2023 period by 20 percent.

According to Tiko, the improvement of the structure, cultural and financial transformation carried out by SOEs is also felt by the community as shareholders of state-owned issuers.

For information, BRI has deposited a total of Rp192.06 trillion to the state treasury from 2019 to the first quarter of 2024. The deposit comes from payment of Income Tax, Value Added Tax & Bea Materai, Income Tax, Dividends and Regional Taxes.

This year, BRI distributed dividends for the 2023 Financial Year profit of IDR 48.10 trillion which was agreed upon at the Annual General Meeting of Shareholders (AGMS) in March 2024.

The dividends distributed by BRI increased by 10.59 percent compared to the nominal paid in 2023 with a total of Rp43.49 trillion. As for the dividends of the State of the Republic of Indonesia for ownership of 53.19 percent of the shares, BRI deposited approximately Rp25.71 trillion to the State General Cash Account.