5 Reasons Why Sex Is Important In Long-Term Relationships

YOGYAKARTA In a long-term relationship or for married couples, there are many benefits if they have sex more often. Because according to research, a more positive level of sexual activity is associated with positive changes. Such as lower blood pressure, reduced stress, greater intimacy, even lower divorce rates.

Then can relationships still survive without sexual intercourse? Of course sex is not always necessary. But this intimate activity, is an important part of a healthy and satisfying relationship. The importance of sex can vary with everyone. Some may feel that being a sexual partner is very important. Others also feel that the type of intimacy and connection other than in bed is more important. But in general, this is the reason why sex is important in long-term relationships.

Research shows that frequent sex with partners plays a role in the welfare of a person as a whole. Having sex is often associated with more affection. When couples have more love, they also tend to have sex more often.

A commitment is related to how emotional relationships are built in them. Couples who have good emotional relationships, have a higher level of commitment. Launching VeryWellMind, Tuesday, July 16, sex in monogamous relationships increases your commitment and emotional relationships with your partner.

Sex can increase self-esteem and reduce feelings of discomfort. So that sex with your partner results in a more positive perception of yourself.

According to research, sexual intercourse with consensual or consensent increases happiness. In addition, a better sex quality is also related to a higher feeling of happiness.

During sex, brain chemicals are released, including endorphins. With the release of these good hormones, a person is less easily offended and feelings of depression are lower.

In addition to endorphins, the body also releases oxytocin. As we know, these hormones are released along with stimulation at sensitive points of the body and other sexual activity. Oxytocin also helps grow a sense of fever and satisfaction.

Through the explanation above, it is known that the reason for having sex in long-term committed relationships turns out to be positive for overall welfare. Psychologically, chronic stress causes sex frequency to decrease. But sex can be the most effective stress management technique. This is because sex reduces the stress response hormone, such as cortisol and adrenaline. Plus, orgasm triggers the release of the hormone prolaactin that helps sleep.