Staff Of Erick Thohir Affirms Toll Divestment Does Not Make SOEs Lose

JAKARTA - Special Staff (Staffsus) of the Minister of SOEs Arya Sinulingga emphasized that the toll road divestment action carried out by BUMN works did not cause harm. According to him, the business process actually provides benefits to the company.

In fact, continued Arya, in the last 5 years the toll divestment carried out by BUMN Karya has not caused any harm.

"Will it be a loss? If the divestment is definitely not a loss. On average, the toll roads that we have divested for 5 years have not lost any divestment," he said when met at the Perum Perhutani Office, Jakarta, Monday, July 15.

Arya also revealed that the investment costs disbursed in building toll roads are much smaller than the value of toll divestment. According to him, there are benefits recorded from the corporate action.

"What we invest in, then we take it from the sale, the shares, everything is profitable, nothing is detrimental," he said.

Arya explained that BUMN Karya is a contractor who is indeed assigned to carry out development by the government. Including, also building toll roads.

Furthermore, Arya said, BUMN Karya's main business is not as a toll road manager. Therefore, according to him, divestment steps are common.

"We have to understand, yes, that what are these works, they basically have DNA from contractors, not toll road managers," he said.

"Why do they take the toll road? One of them is let him and the contractor, after that he divests to others, so now is the time for divestment, yes divestment," he continued.