Nawawi Pomolango Not Interested In Candidates To Be A KPK Leader: Too Many Problems!

JAKARTA - The interim chairman of the KPK, Nawawi Pomolango, admitted that he was not interested in running again as a candidate for leadership (capim) for the period 2024-2029. He said there were many problems in this institution.

"I no longer register myself," Nawawi told reporters in a written statement, Monday, July 15.

Nawawi said there are many problems that must be handled in this institution. However, he did not specify anything.

"Too many 'problems' in this institution and that's not just a matter of leadership," he said.

Meanwhile, Deputy Chairperson of the KPK Johanis Tanak plans to run again as the leader for the 2024-2029 period. He said he would register today, Monday, July 15. "Friends of the KPK leadership want me to participate in the selection of KPK candidates," Johanis said when contacted by VOI, Monday, July 15. Johanis said that support was given by his colleague because he had only been in office once. Therefore he hopes to be back in the future period. Because I am only that one time (ikut, ed) selection, "he said. Apart from Johanis, the Deputy Chairperson of the KPK Nurul Ghufron has also registered as a candidate for future leadership. By saying bismillah, I registered to be a KPK candidate for the 2024-2029 period, Ghufron said in a written statement to reporters, Monday, July 15.

Ghufron berharap nantinya Panitia Seleksi (Pansel) Capim dan Dewan Pengawas KPK bisa memilih pimpinan komisi antirasuah yang lebih baik. “Karena itu saya berharap dan mengundang segenap warga terbaik bangsa Indonesia untuk turut menjadi peserta seleksi pimpinan KPK periode 2024-2029, tunjukkan komitmen dan dedikasi dalam pemberantasan korupsi dengan menjadi calon pimpinan KPK,” ungkapnya.“Korupsi tak akan habis tanpa turun gelanggang melakukan pemberantasan salah satunya dengan menjadi Pimpinan KPK. Semakin banyak peserta akan semakin besar kemungkinan terpilih yang terbaik,” sambung Ghufron.Diberitakan sebelumnya, Panitia Seleksi (Pansel) Calon Pimpinan (Capim) dan Dewan Pengawas KPK mengungkap jumlah pendaftar terus bertambah pada hari terakhir atau Senin, 15 Juli ini. Total ada 210 orang yang mendaftar sebagai calon pimpinan hingga pukul 06.50 WIB.“(Jumlah yang melakukan, red) registrasi 796. (Mendaftar, red) calon pimpinan 210 (orang, red),” kata Ketua Pansel Capim dan Dewas KPK Muhammad Yusuf Ateh saat dikonfirmasi wartawan melalui pesan singkat, Senin, 15 Juli.Sementara untuk calon yang mendaftar sebagai Dewan Pengawas KPK berjumlah 142 orang, sambung Ateh. “(Jumlah, red) pendaftar pagi ini, 15 Juli pukul 06.50 WIB,” ujarnya.