BEKI Reports INTERFACE On Alleged Fraud Of Event Bebelac Tummyversity Funds Of IDR 2.9 Billion

PT Bisnis Ekosistem Kreatif Indonesia (BEKI) reported PT Kreasi InterRupa (INTERFACE) to the SPKT Polres Metro South Jakarta on suspicion of fraud and embezzlement of funds amounting to Rp 2.9 billion related to the holding of the "Bebelac Tummyversity" event.

In the Police Report Number LP/1882/VII/2024/RJS noted that BEKI, through its lawyer Wahyudin SH, MH from XYZ Law Firm, reported the President Director of INTERFACE, Murio Nuradwi, and General Manager of INTERFACE, Adhitya Ekaputra, for violating the law in organizing the "Bebelac Tummyversity" event in five cities in Indonesia.

BEKI, which is a media and advertising service company and news portal, explained that on May 14, 2024, INTERFACE appointed BEKI to carry out the project event "Bebelac Tummyversity" in Jakarta, Medan, Balikpapan, Makassar, and Surabaya based on the Approval Quotation agreed by both parties.

However, on June 5, 2024, Adhitya Ekaputra from INTERFACE unilaterally decided to cooperate via email for events in the remaining four cities on the grounds that BEKI's inability to carry out its work during an event in Jakarta. In fact, the Minutes of Handover (BAST) which have been signed by both parties stated that the work has been completed properly.

BEKI stated that INTERFACE did not pay down payments (DP) and postponed the completion of the work payments that had been completed by BEKI for various reasons. In accordance with the Appointment and Commitment Letter from INTERFACE, on May 24-26, 2024, BEKI has carried out the first event "Bebelac Tummyversity" at the City Mall of Kasablanka, South Jakarta, which runs successfully and exceeds the target of selling Bebelac dairy products.

INTERFACE was supposed to pay DP 30 percent one week before the event started and paid off 70 percent two weeks after the invoice was received in accordance with the Approval Quotation agreed. However, until now, BEKI has not received payment for the work that has been completed. "We have done the work according to INTERFACE instructions even though payments have always been postponed for various reasons," Wahyudin said in a statement received by the editor on Sunday, July 14.

As a result of the alleged violation of the law committed by INTERFACE, BEKI claims to have suffered a loss of Rp 2.9 billion.

Before reporting this case to the police, BEKI tried to resolve this issue through deliberation, but INTERFACE did not show good faith. In fact, Adhitya Ekaputra from INTERFACE threatened the BEKI implementing team. As a result, BEKI sent a subpoena but still did not get a positive response. Therefore, BEKI decided to report INTERFACE to the authorities to get justice. "We will not stop until we get justice and our client's rights are fulfilled," said Wahyudin.

Wahyudin also said that based on existing facts and evidence, INTERFACE and Adithya Eka Putra were suspected of having committed criminal acts of fraud and/or embezzlement as referred to in Article 378 of the Criminal Code in conjunction with Article 372 of the Criminal Code.

The editor himself has tried to contact INTERFACE, including Adhitya Ekaputra and Murio, but until this news was published, INTERFACE had not provided clarification regarding the report made by BEKI.