5 Ways To Overcome Pain After Immunization In Babies, Parents Must Know!

YOGYAKARTA How to relieve pain after immunization in babies is very important to know. This information can help the mother give the right treatment if the little one experiences Post-Immunization Follow-up Events (AEFI).

Immunization is the provision of vaccines to protect the body from certain diseases. Vaccines that are injected into children are made from germs that have passed the process of weakening or even being killed.

Immunization can stimulate the formation of antibody substances so that the immune system will become stronger. In addition, the child's body will become more resistant to infection and a number of infectious diseases in the future.

Some of the immunization-preventable diseases include tuberculosis, hepatitis B, diphtheria, pertussis, tetanus, polio, Measles, pneumonia, gondongan, diarrhea due to rotavirus, rubellacampus, and cervical cancer.

Unfortunately, immunization can make babies fussy, even crying non-stop. This is caused by pain after the body reacts to the vaccine.

Fever and pain from injection marks are the most common side effects in babies after going through immunization. To relieve the pain, mothers can take the following steps.

Summarized from various sources, Friday, July 12, 2024, the following is how to relieve pain after immunization in babies.

Carrying and hugging babies can help relieve the pain experienced by your little one after undergoing immunization. The baby will feel comfortable and calm when he is in his mother's arms.

Keep in mind, when a baby fusss about post-immunization pain, the mother should not panic. Because, babies can feel it when their mother panics, and usually the little one will refuse to be carried and breastfed by panicked mothers.

Pain after immunization in babies can also be overcome by giving breastfeeding more often than usual. Breastfeeding is an activity that makes babies comfortable. Oxytocin hormones that come out through breast milk can have a calm effect on mothers and babies.

Ex-injection that hurts or yiri can be removed by giving a cold compress.

To do so, take a cloth or cassava that has been soaked in cold water, then compress it on the baby's injection marks. The cold sensation when compressed will make the baby calmer. In addition, a cold compress can also remove swelling in the injection marks.

Soft massage in the area of your feet, hands, and back can make the baby comfortable after immunization. Babies will relax more and not fuss anymore.

Related to this, mothers can use telon oil or therapeutic scents when massaging to cause a comfortable effect.

If your little one has a mild fever or pain after vaccination, the mother can give a fever-reducing drug according to the recommended dose of fever. Heat-reducing drugs can treat discomfort.

This is information about how to deal with pain after immunization in babies. Hopefully this article can add insight to the loyal readers of VOI.ID.