7 Preparations For Climbing With Children, What Should Be Payed Attention To?

YOGYAKARTA Climbing a mountain with children can be an opportunity to introduce nature from an early age. However, this activity is full of risks so it takes careful preparation if you want to do it with children. So, what are the preparations for climbing with children? Let's see the full information below.

Originally, there were no definite rules regarding the minimum age of children who were allowed to climb the mountain. If you want to introduce nature to your little one by camping at the foot of the mountain, any child at any age can do it. In fact, a 3-month-old baby can be invited to camp.

Even so, the ideal age of a child being invited to climb is about seven years. at that age, children are considered to have stronger physical resilience.

In addition, seven-year-old children have also bissa conveyed the things they feel while climbing. For example, feeling tired, pain in certain parts of the body, or other complaints, so that treatment can be done properly.

Summarized from various sources, Saturday, July 13, 2024, here are some things you have to prepare if you want to climb a mountain with your child.

Before climbing with your child, the first thing you have to do is formulate a mature climbing plan.

Choose a mountain that has a light track that is easy for children to cross. Avoid mountains with too difficult and steep terrain.

In addition, consideration is also the distance and duration of the climb. This is so that children can enjoy every step of the trip without feeling tired.

Physical preparation is very important before climbing the mountain, especially for children who may not be used to strenuous physical activity.

Invite children to do light physical exercise such as walking, running, or cycling a few weeks before climbing. With physical exercise, the child's immune system will increase so that he is better prepared to face challenges on the mountain.

The next preparation for climbing with children is to prepare complete hiking equipment. The items that are urgently needed while climbing are first aid boxes, compasses, water bags, trash bags, raincoats, anti-bow medicines, other medicines, tents, blankets, flashlights, and so on.

Clothing for climbing is certainly different from the clothes worn daily. This is because there are differences in the level of activity and the conditions of the surrounding environment.

The criteria for clothes that are suitable for climbing are:

When climbing, avoid wearing thin clothes, because you will be faced with uncertain weather, steep roads, and various obstacles.

To prevent unwanted things, wear comfortable closed clothes, ranging from t-shirts, water-proof jackets, trousers, shoes, mountain sandals, hats, and socks.

If you bring a toddler, you must bring a baby/hiking looker. Because, toddlers can't continue to walk like adults.

Toddlers are tired faster while climbing. Sometimes they also like to go on the road and prefer to be carried.

Before hiking, you have to check the weather forecast at the climbing site that day. If the weather is not friendly, such as heavy rain or thick fog, it is better to postpone the schedule for climbing to another day.

If you are a novice climber, consider using a competent and experienced guide service.

With a guide, you can be safer while climbing, because there are people who are experienced and know more about the conditions of nature around you.

This is information about preparing to climb the mountain with children. Get other interesting tips only on VOI.ID.