Tiko Aryawardhana Asked 50 Questions In Examination Of Cases Of Alleged Embezzlement Of Funds

JAKARTA - Tiko Aryawardhana was again summoned by the South Jakarta Metro Police investigators to undergo an investigation in the investigation stage as a witness in the alleged embezzlement of funds amounting to Rp6.9 billion.

This case itself was reported by his ex-wife, AW alias Arina Winarto in 2022 through his attorney, Leo Siregar.

During this examination, Tiko Aryawardhana, represented by his attorney, Irfan Aghasar, said that his client was asked about 50 questions.

"Wow, I think there are approximately 40 or 50 questions. Because this is also a repeat of the previous investigation BAP, we will correct it one by one," said Irfan Aghasar at the South Jakarta Metro Police, Thursday, July 11.

Furthermore, Irfan Aghasar explained that the questions asked by investigators were related to the flow of funds and the results of the audit which was used as an audit by Arina Winarto.

"Regarding the flow of funds and related to the results of the audit which is used as evidence, we have discussed it one by one, we answered where the flow went," said Irfan Aghasar.

"All the needs for business capital and we one by one prove that the flow of funds is proven in a bank account," he said.