6 Reasons Why The Legs Are Swelling And How To Overcome It
YOGYAKARTA Wrinkled feet can be caused by a number of factors. Starting from eating too much salted food to standing too long. To recognize the reasons why the feet are swollen, check the following explanation.
Pose insufficiency occurs when the blood vessels in the feet do not function properly, causing blood buildup.
"Because we as humans stand on two legs, the whole weight of the blood volume in our bodies is charged to the blood vessels in our feet, due to gravity," said Kenneth Ziegler, MD, a vascular surgeon at the Keck Medicine of USC.
Add Ziegler, our blood vessels have valves that help fight the gravitational force to keep blood pressure in the blood vessels low and help blood return to the heart. Katup in blood vessels, over time its performance decreased so that it didn't work properly.
In addition to causing swelling, venous insufficiency can also cause varises, leg pain or cramps, red skin, stasis dermatitis, hard skin or thickening (chortexklerosis lipode), or boil wounds that are slowly recovering.
How to deal with swollen legs caused by venous insufficiency, it is recommended to perform external compression therapy carried out by nurses at medical service centers.
Clogging in blood vessels due to frozen blood prevents blood from flowing properly. When blood clots occur far from the inner blood vessels of the feet, this is called deep venous thrombosis, or DVT (deep vetin thrombosis).
In addition to swelling, DVT can cause pain and pain in the veins, as well as redness on the skin. Ziegler explained that the Kick Medicine page, Thursday, July 11, with the DVT, blood cannot be vacated efficiently from the legs and the pressure accumulates in the blood vessels. This is what forces the liquid to enter the surrounding tissue. The DVT also caused a valve failure by closing the valve, causing long-term blood flow problems even after the initial freeze-out dissolved.
Because if DVT is allowed to spread to the lungs and cause life-threatening conditions. So if the leg is swollen with redness and pain, immediately see a doctor for the best recommendation.
If the heart does not pump blood properly, it may be indicated that there is blood reserves on the leg, leg length, or leg so that it looks swollen. Heart disease or heart failure is often accompanied by other symptoms, such as chest pain, shortness of breath, cough or fanting, fatigue or a fast heart rate. So experience it, immediately contact your doctor.
Most women experience swelling on the ankle during pregnancy. According to Ziegler, this is because the fetus in the uterus suppresses the veins blood vessels in the abdomen, which is the ultimate goal of the blood before reaching the heart. This compression or pressure, coupled with hormonal changes that affect the blood vessel system during pregnancy, causes the leg to swell.
Overswelling in pregnancy can be caused by preeclampsia, a condition characterized by high blood pressure that is dangerous. If your feet are swollen when you are pregnant with other symptoms, such as severe headache, blurred vision, stomach pain, or lack of urination, immediately contact the doctor.
chronic liver disease can cause a buildup of fluids in the legs and abdomen, accompanied by other symptoms such as yellowing skin (yellow disease), redness on the palms, or pale skin. Likewise with kidney disease that can be accompanied by swelling at lower extremities, fatigue, wanting to urinate more often, or difficulty concentrating.
Foot swelling can be caused by other things besides medical conditions and can often be avoided when changing lifestyles better. For example limiting eating salted foods to reduce water retention which causes fluid buildup. In addition, reduce the amount of sitting and moving time regularly for a certain period of time so that blood continues to flow properly.
Those are the six reasons why your feet are swollen. If you are swollen because of your lifestyle, you need to improve and live a healthy lifestyle. If your feet are swollen followed by other symptoms, it is most appropriate to consult a doctor. The most simple way to deal with swollen feet because of your lifestyle, is to soak your feet for 15-20 minutes every 2-4 hours in cold water. It could also compress your feet or rest if after you travel long distances.