Rizieq Shihab's Session Keeps Going, The Supporters Disbanded From East Jakarta District Court

JAKARTA - The supporters of Rizieq Shihab can no longer be seen around the East Jakarta District Court (PN) building. Even though the trial for the alleged violation of the health protocol (prokes), the Petamburan crowd continued.

Based on VOI monitoring, the mass of supporters of Rizieq who had previously gathered in front of the court building was nowhere to be seen, Friday, March 19. Currently, the conditions that were previously overcrowded are now deserted.

In front of the court gate, only a few police officers remained on guard. Meanwhile, other police officers are also still on guard around the court.

Likewise traffic conditions. The speed of the vehicles which had been choked up because the crowds of supporters of Rizieq Shihab who had gathered together were now deserted.

The recent situation in East Jakarta District Court when Rizieq Shihab's trial in process (Rizky Adytia VOI)

Previously, the police apparatus asked Rizieq's supporters who had previously gathered in front of the East Jakarta District Court building to immediately disperse.

One by one, Rizieq Shihab's supporters left the location and moved across the street. It's just that, the police came back to them and again asked them to disperse.

"Disband not here. Come on, not here. Hurry up, this crowd," said a police officer to a crowd of supporters of Rizieq Shihab.

"The trial can be seen online," he continued.