6 UHT Milk For 1 Year Old Children, Moms Don't Just Choose Products

YOGYAKARTA - A 1 year old child can be given UHT milk as an additional nutritional intake after breast milk. This type of milk is processed using ultra high temperature (UHT) technology. Through a high temperature heating process, this milk can be sterile from bacteria and microorganisms.

Some parents ask whether birthday children can drink UHT milk? The answer is that it is permissible because this milk also helps optimize children's growth and development. However, it should be noted that not all UHT milk can meet the nutritional needs of children.

So parents must be selective when choosing UHT dairy products for children 1 year old. There are several things to consider when you buy UHT milk.

UHT milk is a nutritious drink that can be chosen as intake for your 1 year old baby. In this milk, there are a variety of important nutrients such as calcium, potassium, phosphorus, vitamin A, vitamin B12, riboflavin, magnesium, protein, and others.

Apart from being rich in nutrients in it, many parents give this milk to their children because it is more practical. UHT dairy products sold on the market also have various brands, which you can buy in live stores or online via e-commerce.

However, parents should not choose UHT dairy products carelessly. You need to consider the content and quality of each dairy brand. The following are recommendations for some UHT dairy products for 1 year old children that can be used as a reference for parents:

Frisian Flag Junio UHT Milk has a special formula for children from the age of 1 years, so you don't have to hesitate about the suitability of consumption age. This product is available in practical packaging ready to drink at a volume of 110 ml.

In addition, this milk is rich in 9 vitamins (vitamins A, D, B1, B2, B3, B6, B12) and 6 important minerals (calcium, phosphorus, magnesium, iodine, zinc, and selenium). These various ingredients can help support children's growth and development and meet their nutritional needs every day.

Another UHT milk brand that is also recommended for children is Ultra Mimi. This product is claimed to be able to meet the body's fluid needs and support the formation of the Little one's body.

Keep in mind, old people need to ensure the suitability of their child's age before giving UHT Ultra Mimi milk. This product is perfect for children aged 1 year and over. This milk comes in a flavor variant of natural ingredients rich in essential nutrients, very beneficial for children who are in a period of growth.

Indomilk's milk products are made from real fresh cow's milk which is equipped with essential nutrients for child growth. A number of ingredients stored in this milk include calcium, phosphorus, vitamin D, vitamin A, B1, B6, and inulin.

UHT Indomilk milk is packaged asyptically in multilayer packaging that is lightproof and air to maintain the freshness of the milk. Make sure you give small Indomilk box milk to children over 1 year old and finish it immediately after the packaging is opened.

Frisian Flag presents sterile liquid milk with full cream in a bottled cardboard bottle that is waterproof and ready to be drunk. This milk is formulated to meet the nutritional needs of children starting at the age of 1 year.

Frisian Flag UHT Full Cream contains nutrients that play an important role in maintaining bone health. In addition, this UHT dairy product also offers a flavor of fever that children like.

Greenfields is one of the recommended full cream UHT milk brands for children. This UHT dairy product is made from fresh milk that comes directly from the Greenfields Livestock, without using milk from other sources.

The process of extracting milk is aimed at ensuring the best quality of milk or maintaining quality. In addition, producers also guarantee that UHT Greenfields milk is free from additional substances, hormones, and antibiotics.

Diamond Milk UHT Cereal presents a new innovation by combining UHT milk and Goods from high-quality ingredients. This product has a delicious taste rich in nutrients, and contains vitamins and minerals that are important for the health of the body.

With complete nutritional content and a good taste, the ideal UHT Cereal Milk Diamond as a snack. This milk can be given as a substitute for breakfast or healthy snacks for children aged 1 year and over.

The research published in the Foods Journal shows that package consumption is related to increasing cognitive function, weight loss or obesity, and reducing the risk of hypertension. These benefits can have a good effect on the health of children's bodies.

Those are some UHT dairy products for 1 year old children that can be used as the choice of parents. You should choose products with good quality and content according to the needs of your little one's intake. It should also be remembered that balanced and diverse means are also important to support children's growth and development. Also read tips for choosing formula milk for children aged 1 year.

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