Electricity Meteran Muncul Telis Check: The Cause And Solution

YOGYAKARTA The installed PLN electricity meter is not only a power recording tool that has been consumed by consumers, but is a display of information related to trouble. One of the information that indicates that there is a problem is when in the electrical meter, the text of PERIKSA appears.

Please note, the latest electrical meter that is usually paired to prepaid electricity customers is equipped with a small LCD screen. The LCD serves to display a variety of information on kWh meters, for example, the remaining tokens, PLN voucher numbers, enter the secret code of PLN meter, to information on problems.

One of the problems that often appear on the meteran LCD screen is the text OF PERIKSA. So what are the causes and how to solve it?

Reporting from Antara, Senior Manager of Commerce and Customer Management of the West Sumatra PLN Distribution Main Unit (UID), Muhammad Rizlani explained that the prepaid kWh meter has a more sophisticated feature than the postpaid kWh meter.

Some of the prepaid kWh meter features are checking voltages, knowing the load flow, historical tokens, and other smart features.

"This Kwh can also inform if there are abnormalities in the customer installation or in the kwh meter itself," explained Rizlani.

Information in the form of writing 'PERIKSA' in the prepaid electricity meter is a response when a problem occurs that needs to be examined. Some of the causes are as follows.

When the information 'PERIKSA' appears in the kWh meter, it will have a power outage, or the electrical energy will remain on but the token number cannot be entered so there is no addition.

For consumers who experience problems in kWh meter in the form of writing 'PERIKSA', the solution that can be done is to input Clear Tamper, a code consisting of 20 points. However, to get Clear Tamper, customers must make an official complaint to the PLN system. One way to make a complaint is through the PLN Mobile application.

Now customers can easily report the appearance of the text 'check' on the prepaid kwh meter through PLN Mobile. If the cause is simple, Clear Tamper can be obtained by making a complaint through the PLN Mobile Application, then customers can input the Clear Tamper themselves. For the causes that need repairs, officers will come to the customer's location to carry out inspections or repairs, then normalization," explained Rizlani.

Customers can download the PLN Mobile application and then create an account in the application. Don't forget to enter an active cellphone number, email, and home address. After that, do the following steps.

That's information regarding the electrical meter, the text of PERIKSA appears. Visit VOI.id to get other interesting information.