DPRD Asks DKI Provincial Government To Explain Details Of The Needs Of Rp600 Trillion Jakarta To Become A Global City

JAKARTA - Member of Commission C of the DKI Jakarta DPRD, Wibi Andrino, asked the DKI Jakarta Provincial Government to explain the details of the budget requirement of Rp600 billion to build Jakarta into a global city.

Previously, the DKI Jakarta Regional Secretary Joko Agus Setyono disclosed the nominal value of Rp600 trillion during the socialization of Law Number 2 of 2024 concerning the Provincial Government of the Special Region of Jakarta (DKJ).

"We, the DKI Jakarta DPRD, have not been given a complete presentation of Rp600 trillion, any components. I think the provincial government needs to explain it immediately," Wibi said in a short message, Wednesday, July 10.

The chairman of the NasDem faction of the DKI Jakarta DPRD assessed that the nominal budget needed to organize Jakarta in order to compete with other global cities in the world revealed by Joko was very large.

Local governments, according to him, cannot only depend on the regional budget (APBD) to fulfill this.

Therefore, he asked the DKI Provincial Government to sit down with the DKI Jakarta DPRD in discussing in detail other sources of income to meet these targets so that program allocations for the community are also not disrupted.

"Of course, this cannot only be seen from the figure (APBD) of Rp. 86 trillion, but how can the allocation of Rp. 86 trillion be right on target and touch the program needed by the community," explained Wibi.

The DKI Jakarta Provincial Government has calculated the costs needed in Jakarta to increase development into a global city after the move of the capital city to Nusantara, East Kalimantan.

DKI Jakarta Regional Secretary Joko Agus Setyono revealed that Jakarta needs a budget of up to Rp600 trillion to be able to compete with other global cities in the world.

"There are several things that we think that Jakarta is required to become a global city, of course it requires a fairly large budget. The DKI Jakarta Regional Development Planning Agency has calculated or calculated that our real need to be equal to other global cities in the world requires a budget of around Rp600 trillion," said Joko at the Aryaduta Hotel, Central Jakarta, Tuesday, July 9.

Joko explained that the DKI Jakarta regional revenue and expenditure budget (APBD) is around IDR 80 trillion to IDR 84 trillion every year. Meanwhile, the budget posture has been divided.

Some of these employee spending reached 34 percent, spending on social assistance was almost 30 percent, and capital expenditures were around 19 percent of the total APBD. If you rely on the APBD, the need for development in Jakarta as a world-class global city will take a long time.

"The gap between the needs between the budget of Rp600 trillion we support and the current capital expenditure budget of only about 19 percent is still far from what we have to prepare," said Joko.

Therefore, Joko said that the DKI Provincial Government continues to coordinate with the DKI Jakarta DPRD as the legislature to increase regional income in order to accelerate development.

"The DKI Jakarta Provincial Government, which always synergizes with the DKI JKT DPRD, is trying to make budget efficiency in every sector so that the dream of becoming a global city can be realized," he explained.