Debt Of Receivables Is The Beginning Of The Confinement Case In Duren Sawit

JAKARTA - A young man with the initials MRR (23) became a victim of confinement by a group of people at a cafe in the Duren Sawit area, East Jakarta, for three months. The police said the case was based on debt.

Head of Public Relations of Polda Metro Jaya Kombes Ade Ary Syam Indradi said that the young man who was a victim of confinement had borrowed a sum of money from H, who was the reported party.

"So initially the reporter or victim was MRRP's brother, MRRP, about October 2023 used H's money," said Ade to reporters, Tuesday, July 9.

Over time, MRR never returned the money. H and his colleagues also took certain action, namely holding the young man captive.

"Then the reporter was unable to return it and finally the reporter felt held captive because he was not allowed to leave the place from February 19-May 30, 2024," said Ade.

MRR's attorney, Muhamad Normansyah, also mentioned that the problem started with the business of buying and selling cars between his client and one of the perpetrators with the initials HR.

"This case started with a collaboration between the perpetrator and the victim, this is actually a business of buying and selling cars. The first transaction was smooth, the second was smooth, the third was smooth. The fourth was slightly stagnant because there were funds used by the victim for urgent personal needs," said Normansyah.

In this series of problems, MRR also experienced persecution. Luckily, when there was a gap to escape, the victim managed to escape and returned to his home.