OJK Increases Access To North Maluku Community Finance Via TPAKD

JAKARTA - The Financial Services Authority (OJK) for the North Sulawesi region, Gorontalo, North Maluku (SulutGoMalut) has increased financial access to people in North Maluku through the Regional Financial Access Acceleration Team (TPAKD).

Head of OJK SulutGoMalut, Robert HP Sianipar said, to increase financial access to the community, his party monitors and establishes TPAKD in districts and cities.

According to him, the OJK seeks to present various activities related to education about the financial services industry in a sustainable manner to protect the public in general.

Therefore, his party also embraced regional heads in North Maluku to discuss various financial potentials in North Maluku.

"OJKin selain mengundang kepala daerah, juga academia, asosiasi keuangan, pelaku usaha membahas berbagai potensi keuangan di Maluku Utara serta sejumlah program kerja TPAKD," ujarnya dikutip dari ANTARA, Selasa, 9 Juli.

He admitted that the level of financial literacy in the North Maluku region is still below the Nationality, so that the presence of TPAKD and starting to carry out various education can increase financial inclusion.

"One of the things that can be realized is the program of one student with one account," he said.

Robert added that various dynamics were targeted for the OJK in encouraging the public so that by the end of 2024 the level of financial literacy and inclusion would reach 90 percent.

"Moreover, financial institutions such as those owned by local governments are currently providing various products and services ranging from financing, raising funds and savings," he said.

In addition, developing economic potential such as superior products in each region can accelerate regional financial access.

He gave an example in North Maluku, one of the potential sectors such as fishing with the development of tuna products

"Well, this commodity must be developed through financial services, of course financial services will see the prospects of the business. Technically, banks and TPKAD must proactively assist," said Robert.